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Pregnant!? If so, what do i do???


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Hi, I posted a few days ago. I lost my virginity about 3 weeks ago, have had nothing but protected sex, and no broken condoms to speak of, and yet I still have not started my period. I'm not sure how late I am, because my period has been irregular since I moved here in August (well, it was a bit irregular before, too, but more so now.) I'm thinking I'm anywhere from 3-7 days late.


My boobs are so sore and feel so much firmer. I haven't felt nauseous, but I am bloated. About a week ago, I saw blood on my underwear. It looked normal, except that I didn't have anything than one spot about the size of a nickel. I've been tired, but I'm pretty sure this is due extreme lack of sleep. I've been moody, also.


I'm so scared. Do I take a pregnancy test now or wait?


I'm Catholic and was always against premarital sex. I feel like such a whore, and I feel that it figures I would be pregnant even though I had protected sex. I'm against abortion. It's almost not an option. But if I'm pregnant, my life is destroyed. I'm supposed to study abroad next year, and already my family has put down money on this trip.


The other problem is that my boyfriend is not an American and is going back to Japan in August. If I am pregnant and don't have an abortion, he has said that he will marry me. I don't want him to marry me just because he feels he should, but if I am pregnant, decide to keep the baby, and he doesn't marry me, he'll never be able to see her.


I just can't be pregnant. I'm so scared. I have no one to talk to. He doesn't really know what to do either. We're both really confused. Please, help me.


-chica maja

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First, take a test...don't worry about something that you don't know for sure...

If you are pregnant, your life is not destroyed...it may get hard for awhile, but it is not the end of the world!

My best friend had a little girl right out of high school, and he thought the same thing, but now he couldn't be happier...he has a beautiful 5 year old daughter that he loves with all his heart and would do anything for her! But until you know for sure, there is no reason to worry, your parents will still love you.

I'm willing to bet you aren't since you said you used protection, it's probably just anxiety over something that you've never done before...I think it happens to most people. Best of luck and keep on smiling!

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First of all, you need to take that pregnancy test. If it comes up negative, you can relax (and maybe try a different method of birth control besides the condom)


If it's positive, you should talk to your parents and your boyfriend. You can't keep your parents out of this (you are a minor, aren't you?)


Explain to your boyfriend that there's no need for the two of you to get married BECAUSE of a child.. You should marry someone BECAUSE you love them and want to spend the rest of your life with them!


If you decide to keep the baby, don't be discouraged. It may be difficult at the beginning, but then you can lead a normal life! It'll help if your parents and friends are supportive too, so make sure to include them.


However, if you don't want to get an abortion and do not wish to keep the baby, a couple out there will be more than glad to adopt them, since the number of infertile people is relatively high. You'll make their dreams come true, and give your baby a good life.

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chicamaja, i just want to say PM me if you want. I lost my virginity about 2 weeks ago, i've had sex 2 times, both with condoms. my breasts have seemed sore and much firmer since then too, i have noticed, but it might be just because my period is coming...i'd like to talk to you since you seem to be in about the same situation as me.


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