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GIRLS! I need your help with this one!

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OK, heres the deal:

Me and my girlfriend have been dating for about 2 weeks and see each other all the time. On our first date we had a quick kiss goodnight (this was my first kiss ever). Then after seeing each other for a week, each date ending with the quick peck, we went to the movies. In the middle of the movie with my arm around her I saw her glance over at me and I looked toward her. We stared into each others eyes for a second and then had our REAL first kiss. Nothing special, closed lips but easily more than another quick peck. Well, we've spent the last weekkissing in the same manner and well, I'm just a bit curious about something, so girls:

1. How long do you usually wait before giving a guy a real kiss?

2. How long do you usually wait before french kissing a guy? (never done this)

3. How long do you usually wait before making out with a guy? (never done this)

4. How long do you usually wait before haveing sex with a guy? (never done this)


The thing is I REALLY like this girl and I'm pretty sure she likes me, but I just wanna know. I'm not being impatient I just want to stop wondering if I'll ever get to move on to something more intimate with this girl, seeing as she is my first real girlfriend.

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There really is no time line for these things. It is going to be different for everyone. Sometimes it will be different for you depending on the person you are with too. Just do what feels natural, if you start to do something she is not ready for, she will let you know, either verbally, or by physical cues, such as pulling back or blocking you with her hands. Enjoy yourself and do what feels natural, kind of like how you knew to kiss her in the theatre.

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Hey. I'm really no expert at this but I'll try to help ya.


1. What exactly do you consider a "real kiss"?


2. There really is no right time for french kissing. It sort of just happens. If you've kissed her continually and havn't used your tongue at all yet, then maybe you should make the first move. You never know, she might be shy and never tell you.


3. Once again, making out just happens. If you are kissing her, let's say, on your couch when your home alone...and you both start getting touchy feely with each other...if she doesn't feel like it's right, then she'll most likely push you away. That doesnt mean she doesnt want you. It just means shes not ready to make out with you yet.


4. Don't even worry about sex yet. Kiss her first.

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well it depends..every girl is differnt..and for me ive made a lot of mistakes so my advice may not help u much..This girl may have never french kissed or gotten very far either...u should hold on to her tho..shes probley new with all this. It will get more intament..give it a few weeks or make a slick move..like ask her what she is thinkin when u look into her eyes? and if shes a lil shy and says i dunno..be like i think i might know..and kiss her with tongue..short and sweet..frenching isnt all that hard...

moth yalls mouth should be a lil open and yall just masage eachothers tongues..

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well, she's the one thats more experienced than me. Shes done pretty much everything on my list. We are both a tad bit shy, but we really seem to be opening up to each other. She does know that I am inexperienced ans sometimes teases me by saying things like "don't worry, I'll teach you.." then she gives me this sexy little smile. AH!, its like she's teasing me. Oh well, guess I'll let things happen...

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  • 2 weeks later...


Okay, for me, to acctually french a guy I have to like him alot and FEEL the mood...make sure you treat her with respect all the time before leaning in for the big one, and don't worry it'll happen. If she's a romantic, then she might be expecting something very special for your first kiss, so have it ready!

As for making out, again, you have to be in a very strong mood where you just really want to kiss and touch each other, it'll happen.

As for Sex, I believe in making love after marriage, so I can'T help you there dear!


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