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Everything posted by passion101

  1. heylo Yup, me and him aren't together as a couple, and its not that I was planing on doing it right away, but he and I get along very well, and I was just kind of getting nervous(thats me-I worry allllllllllot!) thank u though!
  2. cmon...anyone...please! I really really think it could work between the guy and me.
  3. Hey you all. This is a little embarrassing but I need a guys opinion. I've been interested in this guy who's a year older then me. He kind of likes me, too. The problem is, he has ALOT more experience then me(I've never given a guy a handjob OR a blowjob) and I don't want to look bad, or just not mkae him completely satisfied that way. I don't even know if you're supposed to hold the penis while giving oral sex. I'm clueless, and I want tips to the perfect handjob AND blowjob... thank you! -xxxxxxx-Kirsten
  4. hey! Okay, for me, to acctually french a guy I have to like him alot and FEEL the mood...make sure you treat her with respect all the time before leaning in for the big one, and don't worry it'll happen. If she's a romantic, then she might be expecting something very special for your first kiss, so have it ready! As for making out, again, you have to be in a very strong mood where you just really want to kiss and touch each other, it'll happen. As for Sex, I believe in making love after marriage, so I can'T help you there dear! -xxxxxxxxx-Kirsten
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