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Do you I should show interest in this case?


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Ok here's what happened...

I've been on a dating site on Facebook for a wile but never went out with any guy before this...


A really cute guy started writing messages and I reply but I wasn't really interested. He then asked for my number and I gave it to him. He called me twice and then in a really cute way asked me out. We went for a drink on a place near the river last Friday. We really got along and after the drinks he invited me for dinner but I politely told him that I prefer to go out another day and he was fine with it.


The next day we met, he sent me a message saying he had a good time, he was leaving for the weekend but he wanted to meet with me on Monday for dinner. So of course I said yes to that and waited for his call.

Monday came and he never called. I was upset but I decided to send a not angry message to see what happened... I said that I didn't understand why he made plans with me with anticipation and then he never called... And then I said that it was a shame because I would like to know him better... He reply that he can see that I never receive his message from that morning and 5 seconds later he forwarded that message.

It said that his sister was at the hospital, she seems to be pregnant and doctors were making some tests on her to see what was the problem... I told him that it was ok, that was a coincidence because my sister was having a surgery the next day and that I hoped that everything went well with his sister. He then answer about her health but didn't said anything about me or re schedule our date. That was it. This was last Monday and I didn't have a message or a call from him since then...

It's a shame because I really like him and I want to see him again but I'm not planning on sending a message or call him. I think the ball is on his side...

Do you guys think I should send a message asking him about his sister or just call him to see how things are???




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It's just that I'm a girl and I'm not used to take the initiative... And if he was the one who cancel the date, then he's the one who should reschedule right??


Then if you don't hear from him, you will always wonder if maybe it would have been different if you tried to contact him before letting it go. Maybe he thinks you are mad that he cancelled, maybe he's very stressed about his sister. Ask him how she's doing and open the door to more conversation and possibly a second date.

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It's just that I'm a girl and I'm not used to take the initiative... And if he was the one who cancel the date, then he's the one who should reschedule right??


Then if you dont hear from him... just forget him... you dont want a guy that doesnt value you or flakes... plenty of other guys outhere... that wont flake and treat you right...

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Send him a message asking about his sister and ask him directly when he would like to meet up, don't beat around the bush or give him a chance to brush you off. If he makes concrete plans with you, great! If not, and tries to beat around the bush move on to someone better.

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Yes, I think there's no harm in texting or calling. He was the one who initiate all the conversations and texts until Monday... But I'm still old fashion about girls making the moves and don't feel comfortable with it...

Do you guys bother when a girl shows interested in you texting or calling??

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