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does he like me


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I have this guy friend...........we've been friends for 7 months and I feel like he has feelings for me.......whenever we talk, he'll tenderly stroke my cheek or hold or stroke my hand....or he will get really close to me, like he is leaning into me or put his face really close to mine. He is really sweet, always trying to please me......he is thoughtful and he used to always choose his job or his friends over me but now he ditches both to spend time with me.......he opens up to me about his family, his life, his feelings, he's honest with me about himself and how he feels.......he always opens doors for me and treats me really gentle.........he finds reasons to touch me, sometimes when we hug, when we are about to go our separate ways he'll hug me more than once and then hold my hand like he doesnt want to let me go or he'll sneakily let his hand drift over my rear end or around my waist while we are hugging...........what do you guys think? does his body language means that he likes me or does his behavior or both? last time he hugged me.....he brought his face really close to mind like he was going to kiss me but I kind of backed away I was nervous.....I'm 5'2 and he's 6'1 so he sort of bent down and hugged me and he's never done that before but I had the feeling he wanted to kiss me.......please give me any and all advice. I like him too but I want to make sure he likes me some before I pursue anything.

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I'd say there's a definite attraction there. He's being forward enough to show his feelings for you, but he seems to care about you enough not to "go too far". What you have to do is give him the "green light". He's taken a lot of steps to show you that he has feelings for you (I believe), you need to make your move.


The next time you're together, when the moment is right (which may mean you have to MAKE the moment right) you should kiss him. Don't pounce on him, just give him a very soft sweet kiss on his lips and see how he responds. It sounds like you've found a really sweet guy who cares about you, now you just have to make the next move.


Good luck!

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Oh' no doubt ....The first 5 things you said, told me this guy in UNDOUBTEDLY interested in you...


It's not uncommon to have a guy do this, Towards a girl he is into..he shows a high level of attraction with touch, the hugging, holding, embracing etc.... It's His way of showing affection towards you..and he is doing that quite well, i think when he gets really close to your face, he is hinting that he DOES want to kiss you, but when you pull away, Doing that action is going to give him an uneasy feeling about trying to kiss you, per say in the future.. it's not that you meant to do it, i understand that you were nervous, and all that...that is totally normal, But if your into this guy, and you want something to grow from this friendship, than next time her leans in don't be scared to meet him half way. just see if there are any Sparks


I forgot too say, welcome to the Forum

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He is defintly interested. Guys are generally not affectionate with a girl if there is not some interest, but when he is hugging for a while, and touching you.....oh yea he wants you.....but remember guys want what they cannot have, so don't be to forward. Don't turn him off totaly, but have fun with it. Play a game, call hime one night, but don't call for a couple of days afterward. Hope this helps.

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Boy it all points to yes! But, believe it or not, I had a guy friend who was very much the same way, and when I pursued, I was told that I misinterpretted his behavior and that he was like that, very affectionate and he also said, that the reason I misinterpreted it was because I was not used to being around nice guys.... is he of any particular nationality - this guy was and it was he claim that that is how guys are...


what a bunch of crap hugh???


So, I think he is interested, but I would let him set the pace.



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