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Ok last week my gf breaks up w/ me. im heart broken so i wait it out. She has a bf but him her her had a fight last night so she came over we talked about it, b/c im always going to here for her. Im still deeply in love w/ her after 1 year and 4month, she says she loves me but she likes her bf and dosent wana dump him b/c its rude. but what about my feeling it was rude for her to break up w/ me. She tells me she dosent know who she wants. She tells me she thinks me and her will get back together but i know she like her current bf alot. What am i to do. SHould i wait for her to realize im right for her or should i go and find someone else. i love her to death and i dont want anyone else. so post back i need help

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what will waiting do? Nothing. In four, six and even a year from now you will still be waiting for her and during this year what have you accomplished? Not a thing. I say to you, move on and get on with your life. If you two were only broken up a week ago and she now has a b/f, then she would not be worth my wait. She sonds as if she is telling you these things just to keep you on the rope (so to speak). The more you dangle from this rope the more she will make you wait. Cut the rope of dependency and got on with you own life. She is the one the chose to go out with another. Will you truly be able to trust heagain once she comes back? I do not think you can. Trust is the hardest thing to overcome and once it is broken, as in this case, it becomes harder to overcomer again.


Move on and take the time to work on yourself. Life is too short to wait for somebody. Just leave it alone and she may or may not come crawling back to you. Work on healing yourself.



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I do quite think that neallo did make some sense in his post. Maybe you should move on too. In a week, a lot of things have happened. So, like neallo said, will you be able to trust her again? The answer is probably no because for a girl that changes so much in a week might not be worth your love.


No woman is worth your tears, and the one that is will not make you cry.
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