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Jealousy Is Awful Need Advice...


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I am new here..but I need some advice. I have problems getting along with someone I know, and I am starting to think its because they are jealous. I tried to be friends and be nice to this person, but it seems like no matter what I do they have a nasty attitude towards me. Another thing is that whenever they find out I am going to do something they have to do it first, if they find out that I got something, they have to get it. I also find if I tell them about any hobby I take up, they start doing the same thing. I hate this. I feel like they think its a competition or something. They have been openly mean with me when we are alone and then when others are around they act all nice. I also know I am not the only person who has problems with them. Its really confusing and its eating me up to think that someone I told personal things and tried to befriend is acting like this. What should I do?? I am afraid of confronting this person because I don't want a fight....Please Help

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Hi brokensoul,


There are two simple options available to you at the moment I feel.


One, face the music head on and have a talk with this person. Tell them that you mean him/her no harm and you are doing your utmost to make things right.


Two, hold your fire and keep your silence. Let your actions speak instead. In time, they will see that you are not there to step on anyone's toes.


Hope this helps.

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I would be a bit confrontational if I were you. That person sounds like some pesky sibling, who's always emulating their elder. You kinda get my picture right?


If I were you, I'd just slowly cut off contact. Don't fight about it! Then block off their number. I have a chick at work who is like that. I blocked off her number, and asked my manager to schedule our shifts at different times. I befriended her b/c I felt sorry for her. She always complained about being unatrractive before, and then I gave her a makeover, and now she acts like an overbearing snob.


People like that bug me. If she's bugg'n you, then you have no obligation to her, so just cut her loose, and if she confronts you about it, just be open and honest and say, "Look I don't feel comfortable around you. You have this edge that bothers me..." and then explain why.


Usually, confrontation and bluntness is uncalled for, but there are times when people push it too much, and someone needs to tell them right?

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