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iam so alone

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EJ, you are not alone. There are many people who want to help you and who have been or are in the same situation as you are. What has happened for you to be so upset? You are more than welcome to private message me or email me anytime. I would be glad to help you through your struggle.


I would also like to suggest maybe contacting some of the local suicide prevention clinics in your area. They would be able to help you dramatically..

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This is harder than I thought. I was going to say that I know how you feel.... I'm alone, too. I was dumped on Valentine's Day... ok, not ON Valentine's Day. But close enough. Every single day since I've cried myself to sleep. I've listened to people say that I'll be ok in a few days... just give it time... time is the best healer. Which is true. But those are just words when you're feeling like total crap. And I'm sure these are all just words to you now. I will say this, though. I considered killing myself, too. First I wanted to starve myself and let "him" watch me slowly fade away, hoping he would feel sorry for me and then "save" me. Then I realized that wasn't going to happen, and I tried to think of a quicker way to do it. All this time, I was only thinking about how it would affect my ex. All this time, the only thing I cared about was hurting him. What I didn't realize is that he would not be the only person hurt. I started to think about my parents, and my brother, and the few friends that I do have. Please reach out to the people closest to you... and if you don't feel like you have anyone close to you please consider what mermayd suggested in contacting a suicide help line. And if worse comes to worse, you can always reply to me.

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good for you, jessikate! I am thrilled to hear that you came to such a difficult realization. congrats! breaking up is tough. but although wounds may leave a scar, they do heal in time. only with the proper care and bandaging. It will not heal if you pick at it. It sounds to me that you have stopped "picking" at your wound a bit. That is a great step for you to realize that other care and love you. I would like to refer you to a post that I think may help you.

I hope this helps. It is great advice.

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Those are all very good advice.


EJ, whatever your troubles are, remember that each one of us are suffering in our own way. We all have our baggage of troubles, just to different degrees.


I am going through a tremendous amount of pain, sadness and disappointment in my life right now. True, the thought of suicide did cross my mind, but I realised that that is not going to solve anything. God placed me here for a reason, and I believe that I have not completed his work as yet.


Love yourself and look at your own positive aspects. Try to feel compassion and loving kindness for yourself. Perform more kind deeds if you can. When we help people, we are really helping ourselves. It opens our minds and hearts. Please, be strong.

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  • 2 months later...


and u know what .......i LOVE IT, ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT

just look at it:

- u do what ever you want

- don't need to be nervous and spying on ur bf or gf is she/he is cheeting on you, so you won't look like a moron infront of you friends

- Hey you can spend all your money finally buying all that YOU want..

- don't like the date that you just had? No problem you are not in a relatioship so you can dump her right away.........

- hey , no stupid driving questions like " where were you" or "who was that?"

P.S. don't feel alone, look at the brite side......

Thats a FACT no one stays alone till he dies so, for 100% you will end up i a marriage , sooner or later......so why hurry time? ENJOY BEING ALONE!!!!!! AMEN............................

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  • 1 month later...

All of that advice is really good. Yes it is hard to be alone but if you give up now then you'll be passing up the wonderful experiences you will go through when you are with someone. Life in general i aslo very beautiful. There are so many things out there for you to see. Please be a little patient and don't hurt yourself. You are not alone everybody here is there for you.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Not sure if you are actually going to read these.....I hope you do because as this forum has shown you, your not alone and people care about you. I know your probably saying, "huh they don't even know me!" But we are here for you none the less. Hey life is not easy and I am not sure what age you are but I am in my late 20s right now and I can tell you that things will get better. When I was a teenager I had an awful time but I knew that things had to get better...they have to....and they do. Life plays a funny game with us. Sometimes when we are at our lowest, the happiness is waiting around the corner for us to bump into it - and we forget that we were ever unhappy. The same can go when you are happy.. that something less than happy might mess up our plans, like for me it's caring loving a person so much that I had to let them go, which leaves me alone. However, through many of the people you see on this forum, I am able to go on because I know that I am not alone.


Take care of yourself and try getting involved in some volunteer activities that are group oriented.


Best of luck,



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Be nice to yourself! I don't want you to hurt yourself! Yep! We're all alone. Isn't it kind of bazaar, with as populated as this planet is. Picture this: a very, very long line of people. They each have a sign with alone #1, alone #2, alone#3......So, all we really have to do is make any connection between them and then we can happily put them in the not alone line. For some reason we choose to believe that this is some impossible leap to take and the world must end for us. I say let's slap our faces, wake up, and see that "we are really not alone, we only need to make some connections". Give it time. We made a fresh start by sharing and expressing our thoughts on this site. Life is full of unpredicable weather, but from our suffering we learn to truly appreciate the beauty in life.

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