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Whats wrong with me?


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Hi, I've been in a relationship for 5 years. Recently I have no idea what went wrong in the relationship that I began to loathe my boyfriend. I had a sexual connection with a guy whom I used to like in my school 3 weeks ago. However in the relationship before the infidelity actually happens, I was feeling rather empty abt the relationship and was pretty apprehensive about the future that holds both of us. Then i began to search for more fun...new love interests. I constantly want to break up with my boyfriend and yet afraid that he might be the one.I really need some advice on what to do.

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There are lots of factors involved like he is in the same class as me, we have been through 5 years of relationship, he loves me alot.... Recently we had a talk and our relationship did improved before it got worse now. I am rather confused. But really thank you for yr advice..will see if there is appropiate time to talk to him again. =)

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I understand you are confused, and that you are unsure of what to do...but from the sound of your post, I get the feeling that you are still very young.


Even though you and your boyfriend have been together for five years, you are young and people change, grow and evolve...what you both wanted from love five years ago may have been the same thing; it may not be that way now. You owe it to yourself, and to him, to be honest about the fact that your feelings may have changed. Yes, he may be "the one," but there's no hard-and-fast rule that says he is...and you are young enough and in the position that you still have a chance to find out what you want out of life before you make the situation with him more permanent and harder to leave if and when you realize he's not "the one."


I hope I haven't said the wrong thing...I have just seen too many people who stay involved with someone because it has been a long-term thing, even when they weren't happy...and then oftentimes they wind up ending it anyway, when there are so many more victims (like children) in the break-up. Take some time to find out what you both want...who know? You may realize he's all you need after all.

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