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How many of you took back the dumper?


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When the dumper asked you back did you took him/her back?


Ok so I want to share this short story. Yes there was a very very short break-up in our relationship on mid April but he asked me back exactly one month later (on May 15 of this year that is). As for the reason why, I'm not gonna get into that but needless to say I was happy. I'm happy but at times I can be a bit mad.

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Yea, I'm prepare if it were to happen again and it's for real. Though I feel that if this thing were to repeat and he asked me back yet again my answer would still be yes. Interesting how when I first joined this forum long ago, way before meeting him I told myself I would never take back a dumper. So ok here I am swallowing my own words.

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My advice for you is to only take him back if you know he is sincere.


Why did you break up, if you don't mind me asking?


It's kinda long but here goes..........

I didn't break up, he did. It deals with how he doesn't get along with my mom, much less my dad (he doesn't care if I'm with him or not, it's my chose). He was uncomfortable of how my mom and this annoying friend of her would always get in the way spreading bad things about him behind his back. Well there was one time a terrible argument he had with my mom, she basically starts insulting him and telling how he should behave.


So yea she would talked bad about my b/f to more than 10 people but mostly to that stupid friend of her (geez it's ok for her to not like him but to complain to people about it or telling that to a close friend every intimate detail, grrrrr, the nerve). If it wasn't my mother he would have long ago send her to hell, no he has not really forgiven her. Then she went on last year faking an apology, my b/f is an expert in detecting unsincere people. He's not buying so with all that trouble he called me on April 15 asking to start seeing other people only to then ask me back next month.

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Well, before you take him back, I'd fix the situation with your mother.


She doesn't really care anymore whether I'm with him or not, it's whatever makes me happy, no more bad rumors. But yes he's still piss off by the fake apology, anyone would be. And he's special, he never really forgives if you talked bad about him behind his back, he prefers people to tell him straight in the face.


Needless to say he doesn't care anymore what my mom thinks about him neither do I, why bother. I'm the one that chose him not her.


Oh and by the way I did already took him back in May 15 and we're still together.

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She doesn't really care anymore whether I'm with him or not, it's whatever makes me happy, no more bad rumors. But yes he's still piss off by the fake apology, anyone would be. And he's special, he never really forgives if you talked bad about him behind his back, he prefers people to tell him straight in the face.


Needless to say he doesn't care anymore what my mom thinks about him neither do I, why bother. I'm the one that chose him not her.


Just don't allow his anger towards your mother to get in the way.


I know how parents disapproving of boyfriends can go.


My mother also warmed up to my bf after we broke up and got back together.

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I had a situation where my mother-in-law and sister-in-law never liked me. It had nothing really actually to do how I acted around them, they just sort of decided from day one they were not going to accept me. We got married, and they got worse.


Mothers and fathers sometimes don't think anyone is good enough for their daughter, but there is a difference between being protective (which can be overcome as time goes by) and spreading gossip and bad blood (which just gets worse).


Maybe tell your mom that you know that she looks out for your best interest, even if it is not always true, but you are in love with this young man, and that you are asking her to respect your decision to be with him. He makes you happy so she should be happy for you versus making everyone feel uncomfortable.


If she is a pretty stable person but has a bad habit of gossip, etc she will probably behave reasonably. Unfortunately, my in-laws were a little off the wall and it didn't work on them, but I will say, there was a day when my husband stopped standing up to them and just let them walk over me. So I would create the boundary fast. I married HIM, not my in-laws, but after tiring from constantly creating a boundary and putting them in their place, he stopped doing it and they were more than happy to try and help rip us apart.

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