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Another sad holiday for me. The pain wont stop

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Okay so she broke up with me 3 months ago. Now its almost valentines day! GREAT. she has a new b/f and shes happy she said. Thats just great i get dummped and she gets blessed with a new b/f and what do i get blessed with? you got it DEPRESSION! for the last 3 months i have been in a hell hole of depression. Always thinking of her and how she really messed me up. We've been dating for 5 years and she decides to break up with me 3 times. After the first time i drove 1600 miles to get her back in my life. but to make long story short. She played with my heart and emotions and lied to me about loving me for a year. So after all of that horrible things she did to me she gets to be happy and i dont. That makes alot of sense doesnt it. OH well i really dont care anyways because i guess i dont deserve to be happy anyways right. after all i was such a bad boyfriend and always fought with her she says. So maybe im suffering because of this. I really dont care about her anymore but somehow she ends up in my mind before i got to sleep. Okay my real question is will somone please kill me to end my suffering and pain its unbareible and i cant stand it any longer. Please help me im a reck and i dont know what to do anymore.

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She sounds really selfish and so I wouldn't worry about her happiness for too long. Her new boyfriend might see through her or she will probably dump him sooner or later. I feel sorry for you that you have invested so much time into a relationship but it is obvious that you still want her back. If you do however, you must try and resolve your feelings of anger towards her or that will push her away even further. My advice for you would be to hold your head high and make it look like you are doing just fine without her..even if you are all messed up inside. Have you been contacting her since the relationship?? and if so what has she said to you? You got to take time for yourself to recover and remember that she is still in the honeymoon stage with this new guy so don't expect her to run back to you at the moment..but I guarantee it won't last. 5 years is a long time and I am sure she cannot just wipe all the times you shared out of her mind completely. But you have to show her a new side. Do you want her back or are you jealous that you don't have someone new?


Little Bird

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Hey guys,


This sounds like a great place to vent some frustration at those exes so here i go. I guess exes are cruel in that way. During this period their true colours will come out.


Yea my ex told me not to cry, we'll still be friends and see each other everyweek. lool and i believed her. I would still love to be friends, because i'm not immature about it and see her as a great friend. But whenever i go near her she starts acting weird, like she don't know me- like im not wanted. I can't explain how annoyed i was at that. How can she be up for these games? I thought she was more then that.


Valentines Day? I never got a happy birthday from her (for her birthday i bought her jewelery, i was such a fool!), no merry xmas, or any Happy New Years. Not even a single call or text on my mobile asking hey what you been up to, my friend we haven't talked in ages.


Guys i tried hooking up with her on special days, and i simply got a non-physical slap in the face. jenlonlegs- Don't do it! Are you weak enough to resist temptation! Don't feed into it, let her do the work, and if she don't call, then shes not worth waiting for.


So tell me why you changed,

choose a new direction in a blink of an eye,

my time away just made perfection,

you thinked i'd die?

Why should i cry and still care,

Because we are holding on a lost love thats no longer there.


these lyric that helped me through, because they are accurate. CustomX, how long have you been mourning this girl? How long do you expect to go on like this? Enough is enough man, i don't want to see you like this. Its time to put her int he past where she belongs. Everyone here. They are the past. Let it be. Who ever does this first out of the two people in the relationship will be the one who will be in control.


Good luck

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