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It seems like this is what it comes down to...


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That is what I was saying....or trying to say.


I know, I guess I was just adding a PLUS ONE.


I'm not down with games. If you want to talk to me, call- don't wait 3 days, don't wait 5 call me after I leave the club, bar, hockey rink, resturant to entertain me on my trip home, text me to make sure I got home safe... don't wait. If you can't wait to see me, tell me... it's only "pathetic and a turn-off" if I don't like you, but if I do... I will be the happiest girl on earth!

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No. If you act like you're not interested at all then the only guys you'll end up with are needy, wussy beta males that can't take a hint. The alpha high quality guys that are socially adjusted with just drop you for one of the other women they have interested in them instead.


lol most apha males are pretty mediocre. Problem with this whole alpha beta system is that it simplifies a condition that is more complicated than that.

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Not ALL women are obsessed with 'challenges' at all/or hook up with guys who are bad for them...and if some guy was 'playing hard to get', then I'd lose interest and rapidly.


It seems to me, that the only women hooking up with 'unhealthy' guys, are the ones you know and associate with...


D lish how can you say that? You honestly think women unhooking up with unhealthy guys as a relationship pattern is just something I believe? What about all the self help books and women complaining on here about abusive or cheating men?


Women LOVE men who are challenging as a general rule. Yes, not all of them, but they are probably even worse about it than men on average.

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I know, I guess I was just adding a PLUS ONE.


I'm not down with games. If you want to talk to me, call- don't wait 3 days, don't wait 5 call me after I leave the club, bar, hockey rink, resturant to entertain me on my trip home, text me to make sure I got home safe... don't wait. If you can't wait to see me, tell me... it's only "pathetic and a turn-off" if I don't like you, but if I do... I will be the happiest girl on earth!


Ditto I'm the 'exact' same

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D lish how can you say that? You honestly think women unhooking up with unhealthy guys as a relationship pattern is just something I believe? What about all the self help books and women complaining on here about abusive or cheating men?


Women LOVE men who are challenging as a general rule. Yes, not all of them, but they are probably even worse about it than men on average.



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Women LOVE men who are challenging as a general rule. Yes, not all of them, but they are probably even worse about it than men on average.


Yeah, perhaps the general rule is that but when it all is over guess who the women choose? The "good boy". Just like you men like to have your fun with the party girls but who do you pick in the end? The "good girl".

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Agreed. If a guy is always calling and texting, he's basically throwing himself at the woman and even if she liked him she'll lose interest to an extent. If instead he just called once then she didn't hear from him, she'll value him more because of the scarcity and will be careful to not let him go (assuming she is interested to begin with). This is step 1 in getting women to chase instead of giving away all one's value and coming off as needy.


Every ounce of me disagrees with this. This game only breeds insecurities. If you like someone...give them your time, and they'll give you theirs.


Who has the freakin time to play cat and mouse games? If it's a chase you want...then go after someone who's unavailable, or has no interest in you.


If it's a relationship you want...then give what you'd like to get back.


If I had a man playing this game with me, I'd lose interest in a heart beat.....and go after someone more mature.

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Every ounce of me disagrees with this. This game only breeds insecurities. If you like someone...give them your time, and they'll give you theirs.


Who has the freakin time to play cat and mouse games? If it's a chase you want...then go after someone who's unavailable, or has no interest in you.


If it's a relationship you want...then give what you'd like to get back.


If I had a man playing this game with me, I'd lose interest in a heart beat.....and go after someone more mature.


You may disagree with it, but that doesn't change the fact that people value what they have to work for, and will be more willing to put forth an effort if the other person doesn't throw themselves at them.

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You may disagree with it, but that doesn't change the fact that people value what they have to work for, and will be more willing to put forth an effort if the other person doesn't throw themselves at them.




People that say they don't value someone they have to work harder for, are kidding themselves, or just truly believe that consciously. But it's just the truth.

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Yeah, perhaps the general rule is that but when it all is over guess who the women choose? The "good boy". Just like you men like to have your fun with the party girls but who do you pick in the end? The "good girl".


girl that depends on a lot of girls. But girls generally choose less challenging guys when they hit their thirties and are afraid they are gonna get stuck alone or treated like crap for the rest of their life.

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girl that depends on a lot of girls. But girls generally choose less challenging guys when they hit their thirties and are afraid they are gonna get stuck alone or treated like crap for the rest of their life.


No, they don't pick them becasue they're settling... they pick them because they've realized a bad boy ain't no good for the long haul.

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No, they don't pick them becasue they're settling... they pick them because they've realized a bad boy ain't no good for the long haul.


Oh I wasn't saying they were settling. But they feel less of an urge to waste the amount of time they did before on experiences that have been bad and the fact that men start looking to date younger women plays a possible part.

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Yeah, because we're all clones, and think exactly the same. Right?


No. Not with everything.


But, with this I do believe it applies to everyone. I'm not saying everyone likes games, but I believe everyone values less what is given to them on a plate, because we're not truly able to appreciate it. That's just human nature.

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