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well, there is this guy that I thought I loved, but probably it was just another crush that ended one day. the thing is, we started dating before I realized that I dont like him like him u know, now I like him just like a friends but he tell me he loves me and I cant say anythung else but "I love u too". but it's a lie, I dont wanna lie to him, i love him like a friend and i appreciate him, he's really good and cute guy, I dont wanna hurt him. what do i do?

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Well, you do have to be completely honest with him. However, you cannot expect him to be a close friend of yours anymore, it might hurt him too much to be around you. In time, maybe he will heal and maybe want to be friends... but you have to understand it is unfair to expect him to be a friend of yours. Being around something that he cared so much about and now can't have, that's torture. You have to tell him though, even if it is really hard.


Just out of curiosity, how long have you two been dating?

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Be honest with him, and the sooner the better, because right now there's nobody else (I hope) and your honesty won't be as in doubt. Just tell him the love you feel for him isn't the passionate kind you think he feels for you, and you don't want to be unfair to him and lead him on believing otherwise. He's going to be hurt no matter what, there's no avoiding that part. But he would be a lot more hurt, and wonder a lot more about your character, if you fell straight into someone else's arms, or worse, started seeing someone else before having the guts to break off with him. You won't do him any favors putting it off to avoid hurting him - he'll be hurt more the longer you wait.

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