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Confused!!! Advice appreciated!!


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Well hmm this is a long one so bear with me! I met this girl about 3 years ago! Great girl we got along great but she had a serious BF than and actually I didnt even think about her romantically. We have kept in touch and always got along great! She has dated one other guy since than and well this is kinda where it all starts! about 5 weeks ago I saw her out and she came over and gave me a big hug and said guess what I am single now. After getting the details we walked home together as she lives super close! I invited her up and we talked till about 7am. Fell asleep (JUST SLEEP) and thats where is starts! Since than We have gone out 2 or 3 times to the bar! Went to a hockey game, 4-5 dinners! Even a breakfast! Constant texting back and forth etc etc! I have read her body language as much as possible. Eye contact, Playing with hair touching my arm while talking etc etc! My question is I am stuck as I dont think I am feeling the I want more vibe from her, although everything else tells me the opposite! I dont wanna ruin the friendship by trying to kiss her if she does not want it! Typical scenario I guess! We get along great and we have so much in common and a lot of the same interests! We even had the conversation the other nite on how she was ready to settle down etc etc! Anyways!!! Still stuck on the should I kiss her! She did just get out of a relationship but I definatly feel the chemistry! I am not sure if we are both to chicken * * * * to make a move other than a goodnite hug!!


Any help is appreciated!!!


Thank you in advance

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I definitely sense chemistry/sexual tension between you guys. It's complicated though. On the one hand, she just got out of a relationship and may be on the rebound and projecting her feelings onto a guy friend. On the other hand, I've always thought that some of the best relationships result from people who have been good friends prior to dating. In this situation, I would just act based on what feels right at the moment. Our instincts can be pretty accurate with these things.

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You can always try, as long as you're feeling these vibes from her. Chances are, you're not mistaken.


Umm...maybe you can try something more subtle at first. Give her a hint that you want to kiss her, but don't quite do it yet until you get the same response from her.


Next time you want to hug her goodnight, instead of just a friendly hug and letting go, you can hold her a little closer to you, and instead of letting go right away, just pull back and look into her eyes & maybe caress her or something. If she gets giggly & nervous, then that probably means she likes you too & will accept the kiss. If she pulls back or changes the subject, then chances are she doesn't.

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Yeah I wish it was just that easy!! I think If i didnt like this girl so much before any romantic feelings were there it would be a lot easier.... But I also dont want to risk her not thinking I am not into her ny NOT making a move!! Dammed if I do and dammed if i dont! It is funny thought the goodnite hugs feel so awkard like we both want more BUT...... HMM??

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