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so depressed....


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so yeah there you have it... i been working for a temp. agency for like 8 months and have been looking and applying everywhere for a job and its like finding a good job right now is so hard and im so stressed out. i have no idea what to do, i know im suppose to stay positive but its just soooo freakin hard too.


i finally thought i got a good job and everything and then they call me to tell me that the position that i was going to get was filled and now im stuck with no job again... life is so unfair at times...

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Not getting a job offer when you come very close can be rough. Try to adopt the attitude that it happened for a reason...there's something better waiting for you and you just haven't found it yet. I'm sorry that you're feeling depressed right now but just keep plugging away with your search and something will come up.

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