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I got back with my Ex and am getting married!

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Hi Guys


I just wanted to add a happy note to all those messages of heartbreak out there. I just want to say to those of you who have broken up with somebody and are very sore - trust in life and it will bring you where you want to go. Don't try and force a situation with your Ex - just go with the flow. Be nice to yourself and get on with your own life without them - if its meant to be it will happen again. Fate will intervene.


I won't go into my saga but its enough to say we both went our own ways, got our with our lives as best as we could and then after a six month break of NO contact other than by e-mail (and we never got deep- kept it light and easy) we met up for a pre Christmas drink and the rest as they say is History. We're getting married in Italy this Christmas coming.


My rule is look after yourself, be nice to yourself, forget about the other person for a while and develop yourself. Only when you are happy with yourself should you meet them - nobody else should make you happy, that comes from within. The other person should add to your happiness not MAKE IT FOR YOU.


My advice - let them off - set yourself free - life will look after you - trust in it. Miracles do happen if you let them.


Good luck everyone


P.S - Don't visit this website too much - it helps for a short while but i think it keeps some people stuck in their misery because they use it as an excuse not to move on...

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