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I should know better, but I'M STILL WITH A COMMITAPHOBE.

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I've been with "T" for - ready for this? - FIVE years.

We had a breakup for awhile, and I recently came back to him.

He says he loves me, says I'm a part of his life, says he wants me.

He is a hermit and really doesn't have any social life outside of me & him.

He is intelligent, sexy, handy, healthy, all the things I want in a guy.

He says I am everything he wants in a woman.

We've had the talk time and again, most recently this weekend, and he always says, "I don't know what's wrong with me - why I can't give you what you need."

I am a single mom, and really would like to know either way. I mean, if he can't do it (marriage) HOW do I let go?

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He says he doesn't know what's wrong with him, just that he doesn't have that gene that supposedly everybody else has to settle down.

He's not seeing anyone else. Like I said, he's a hermit.

And he cares for me and shows it.

But you know what it is - it's like I'm not capable of letting go of this idea of us getting married and having a family together. It's what I want - and although all of the "experts" say I should lay off and hang back and wait and see what happens - or leave him - I can't do either.

I tried that when we broke up - we broke up because of his inabilty to go that one step further - but I found "out there" in the world I was really unhappy without him - and he was contacting me telling me he wanted me to come back. I thought that if I went back, things would be different. But, they aren't. It's very frustrating.

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have you read the book "men who can't love"? I found it on amazon for a penny and it was suprisingly helpful. It tells you all the signs to look for to see if someone is a true commitment-phobe. My guess is that it's not a "gene" but perhaps something that happened to him earlier in life that makes him fear the idea of marriage or committing himself to one person. the book offers some advice on helping a commitment phobe...as long as they want to help themselves...

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Hey Girl


Try This.................Say hey what gives here, we have been together for five years. And I need to know where this is going. Are you going to marry me or not ? I would like to be married to you.You will be pinning him down, and he might run. But at least you will know. If he says "YES"....then ask him when. I would love to be the fly on the wall.


He will marry you !!!!!!!! If he is smart, or risk losing a good women.



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Sure.. he has the best of all worlds.. a dependable woman without any responsibility.


Cake and eat it too?!!!


Time for him to step up to the plate. Don't let him off the hook to easy.


You've been with him for 5 years, if he can't commit now, c'mon, this guy is taking you for a ride.

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p.s. thank you especially to the men who responded. Gives a whole different perspective!


I feel like I'm a whiner when I bring this up with him... all he can do is go, "Yeah, I know, sucks, huh?"


Makes me want to throttle him!


But he is a good man and worth keeping.


What if I just agreed with him and said, "Yeah, you're definitely lacking in the committment department. Yes, it definitely does suck."



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It really all comes down to what you want. You have been patient enough, so now it's your time to make the choice.


I really think you need to put your foot down. Right now he has no incentive to change anything.


You certainly are kind and understanding, but, maybe too kind for your own good.


You have a kid. You deserve a husband and a father. That is what YOU deserve.

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