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Girl i like got drunk and ended up with lovebites.

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Hi everyone.

There is a girl that i have liked for ages and she knows i like her. Last night she was at a party with some of her friends and some boys, they all ended up getting drunk and a few people kissed and things. I was not at this party but i received a phone call today saying that the girl i like received lots of lovebites on her neck, however, both her and the person who told be dont know who they are from.

I feel that if i find out who gave them to her i will end up physically hurting them, but i know that i am not that kind of person.

She does not usually do things like this but seeing how everyone was drunk, i dont want to think about what else could have happened to her.


What should i do, do you think that i should call her and talk about it or just leave ituntil tomorrow when i will se her at school. I think that if i leave it until school then seeing the lovebites on her neck will make me very frustrated and angry.

I dont want to go into school tomorrow and hear someone boasting about how they gave them to her because i will probably turn on them and hurt them. If she finds out who gave them to her then will she want to have a relationship with them or did it mean nothing? Should i still get her something for valentines?

I know that i am not with the girl but i care about her so much.

I have so many questions and i know that they cannot all be answered but could somebody please give me some help?

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my advice to you is to realize it was done under circumstances that they normally would not have occurred. Then as far as who did it to her, does it really matter? you can not change that it was done, and you can not change it if she wanted it to happen or not. I would say that you should talk to her about it, but more in the way that "you know how much I think of you and to see this happen to you really bothers me", and then let her know that you care and to see her doing this stuff makes her look bad and you want the best for her.

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Just because u like this girl it doesnt mean that u can dictate what she can and cant do. Your not with her. She is her own person and you dont own her. Its pretty alarming if you are already feeling protective of her and u both arent even going out. Imagine if you were going out with her and how possesive you would be then!

I think you should relax...and i mean...relax a LOT

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