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NC to LC with a hint of mint


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Hey guys,


So its been almost 3 months since my last contact with my ex. I bumped into her at a dance this weekend and we didn't exchange words. However, I think things went well. I'm taking it slow and checked on her journal for the first time in a long while. Happy to note that in a post about "men" ,including her semi-relationship, I came first. It should be said it was only "I wonder what he's up to, haven't talked to him in forever, must wait until he talks to me" sort of thing. First is first though.


My plan from here is to wait a bit and set up a small coffee meet and take LC from there. I'd like to get any opinions on the course of action. I can always remain in NC until judgment day.

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Not sure what details you wish for, but I'll do what I kind. The ex and I dated for about a year and a half. We had a falling out while she was half a world away. The cause of the breakup, as far as I could see, was just edging to the needy side of things on my end. Other then that, we had a fairly solid and happy relationship. In time she lost attraction.


We visited each other during the summer and the results weren't very happy. I still hadn't gotten over her at that point. I hadn't gone into complete NC or even tried actively get over her. A week after that incident she contacted me and things got even worse to the point of her saying "Just leave me alone". So there was 3 months no contact. I spent my time bettering myself and confronting my feelings for my ex and moving on.


If you want more specifics on any event, just ask.

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I'm interested into seeing how this works out


do you still want to be with her????????



3 months is enough time for me to think that she misses you


but if she haven't contacted you in 3 months,I think you need to open up the first move


just don't stay on the phone longer then 15 min. tops,and make sure your the one that gets off the phone first,act like you have something to do

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Should be easy Jay Bird! I do have stuff to do. Excessive homework, clubs, team and so on. I did make a first move with adding her on facebook. Sometime during the week I'm planning on calling up for a quick "How goes it" and see if she'll meet for tea (30 minutes max)

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"I wonder what he's up to, haven't talked to him in forever, must wait until he talks to me"


Here's your answer. NC is good for letting the dust settle and having a good hard look at yourself. But if you want her back, then endless NC ain't going to get you that.


Looks like you both read the same book, and are both doing NC, waiting for the other one to make contact.


I say ring her, before you lose her. (Assuming you want her back of course!)

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Hey Sparkie, I was reading your other post about your own experiences. I don't think she's ready from the same book, its just shes just that way. I'll give her a ring sometime during the week. I want to make a time to visit my friend in Glens Falls so its on the way to visit her and I have a very viable excuse to only stay a short while.


Nothing like "I'm going 1.5 hours out of my way for a 30 min bit of tea and snacks." It is better to actually be going somewhere.

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