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how much does a girl bleed her first time??

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hey everyone...i've been considering sex for a while now, and talking to some guy friends of mine today I heard some things about how much a girl bleeds her first time. Girls and guys, from experience (for the guys i mean with the girl lol) how much does the girl bleed, and is it a lot? I've also heard that some don't bleed at all...


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LOL, if a guy starts 2 bleed, there's gotta be something seriously wrong with him!


Ok The hymen is a thin, fleshy membrane that in some girls and young women is found at the opening to the vagina. It has a central perforation, which can be round or elongated, through which menstrual blood will flow. It is also called "maidenhead".


For a long time, it was believed that an intact hymen was evidence of a girl's virginity, as the hymen posed a barrier to sexual intercourse. Although, it is true that some girls who are still virgins have no hymen at all. In addition, there have been some cases in which girls who have had several sexual intercources had an intact Hymen. The hyman is located about 2 inches into a girls vigina, during sexual intercourse, this is usually broken if the guy goes in far enough.


Girls who do have a hymen can break their hymen in a number of differerent ways, many times without even knowing it.


Some of the non-sexual ways in which a hymen will tear are:


1. Through an accident or injury.

2. Horseback riding, bicycling, high jumping, gymnastics or similar sports.

3. Insertion of finger or instrument by doctor during pelvic exam.

4. Tampon insertion.



Since an intact hymen can be stretched and split by an erect penis during sexual intercourse, a woman may feel momentary discomfort and may bleed. Should either persist, a doctor should be consulted. On the other hand, there may be no blood or pain involved at all when the hymen is torn. Everyone's different so the loss of blood varies from a few drops to an excessive amount. However, if the bleeding does not stop, you may want some medical advice.


Happy Heb

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Yeah.. it really depends on your hymen. It's not like there is a simple answer. Every girl is different. When my friend bled, it was like a puddle. But when I bled, I couldn't tell until I went to the bathroom. But totally be safe and I would reccomend also putting a towel underneath you.


Another factor is what kind of birth control you are on. My first time, I was on the depo shot, and I had all sorts of spotting going on, so of course that got in the way as well. But don't expect it to be too much or too gross. People make it out to be a bigger deal than it is!

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  • 4 weeks later...

I don't know if anyone is still looking at this but of course I'm guessing you are… I just wanted to add that in most every state the legal age of consent is beyond 14. No as far as the hymen goes a lot of guys fuss over it. Myself, I've never slept with a virgin; I always turned them down to save themselves and live happy lives… a short time only debauched them in one-way or another anyways.


But back to the subject someone can make sure they clear most of hymen by having sex with little to no excitement. As a teenager I remember a friend doing this at a party I was at… she actually told a guy to leave her alone for a while because she wanted it for all it was worth… she settled and they went at it a little while later…. it is much less comfortable and from her yells it must have been downright painful.


A few years later I was having sex with a girl I didn't really want to have sex with. I told her I didn't have condoms and she had paid my friend go buy some. He bought un-lubricated ones and when we had sex she bleed. I didn't commit to much of any foreplay and she had little of her own fluids exposed to the outer vagina. She wrenched in pain for a minute and with a little attention was enjoying it there after. She had had sex at least a dozen times before that but of course lubrication will hinder tearing.


I personally recommend lubrication with any sexual intercourse whether coitus, oral, fondling, or anal. I can not believe I am replying with all this info to a child but I would hate to think you would go into that without knowing all you can. I know for a fact that it is best to wait and it isn't worth wasting the time on no matter how mature you think you are. Without much doubt (if you live to be the least bit wise) you'll understand you have a lot of maturing and that you know nothing, I hope to fully grasp this by the time I'm dieing at 50. Sex is great but not nearly as great as what else the mind has to offer. More over without if you don't know about the hymen there's no way under Saturn's Sky you'd ever be ready to fully enjoy the moment … Just wait until you're ready for supporting yourself and a commitment kiddo.

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Thank you for the replies everyone. My hymen didn't break until the 2nd time I had sex, and yeah there was pain but it didn't last very long, and my partner tried to keep from hurting me. I didn't bleed a whole lot.

I just thought I'd mention that I have taken my age off because some of the subjects of my posts bother people when they notice how old I am. Many of you may remember how old I am though, but I don't like being judged by a number, so I removed it.


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dont worry girl im exactly like you, i reakon a million people could guess how old i am but its got nothing to do with my posts so i dont bother, im betting im older than what some think and younger than others. so dont worry. i remember your age but frankly a question is a question we cant change it too much i mean we cant stop you, its your personal choice (besides others might want the same answers to your question and it might be something there worried about).


anyway your lucky with the second time break, mine broke first time and lets say i then realised having a needle didnt come close to having sex (and thats something i feared lol)


have a good time, and be safe! *smiles*


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  • 2 weeks later...

allalone, if you really wanted to "tell how it was" you should've tried a different approach. Being negative to a teenager just causes more negativity. Maybe you should think about how you were at that age? I do agree that it is her life and she will have to deal with what may come, but as long as she's willing to do so thats great! And also, you mentioned about education, i do believe that her asking here and at least wanting to learn what goes on with the female body is a whole lot more than i can say for alot of people.


Now, for the rest of my input on the subject. I myself never bled at least not that i was aware of. I'm assuming it was caused from one of the other reasons and i was just unaware, most likely the tampon one, lol. Anyway emptysoul, now that you know what happens, just be safe and careful girl. Remember protection is your friend!

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