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Blood pressure.


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Just had my check up...weight is the same, but BP is up. Not dangerously so, but higher than normal for me, which is always in the higher end. Doc thinks it may be that I took a Claritan this AM, but wants me in every 2 weeks to monitor it.

Any suggestions on lowering it?


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if you are nervous, if you were running before the appointment, these things can all increase your blood pressure.


Yeah, was running errands all over before the appointment. My next visits are in the PM, so hopefully it will be lower. I've eliminated a lot of salt from my diet, cut down on caffiene, and excersise evry other night. Was looking forward to it dropping! LOL!

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Have you quit smoking yet? I know your had a day picked in September, from one of your posts.


Oatmeal is also supposed to help.


Exercise, especially cardio is also helps.


Diet, no fatty foods, anything that is designed to lower cholesterol is also good for blood pressure.


No stress ... easier said than done.


If you can go to the local grocery store and pic up a home blood pressure monitor, they have gotten very inexpensive and check your BP regularly. Then practice bio-feedback, trying to consciously calm your mind and concentrate on your BP, then retest. I do this a lot, I can lower mine significantly but mine is already low, 100/68. I've gotten it down to 90/60 doing this. For me it is a physical measure of a form of meditation. Learning the physical response helps to de-stress.

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Just had my check up...weight is the same, but BP is up. Not dangerously so, but higher than normal for me, which is always in the higher end. Doc thinks it may be that I took a Claritan this AM, but wants me in every 2 weeks to monitor it.

Any suggestions on lowering it?



Does your family have a history of BP issues at all?

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Haven't quit completely, down to 1/2 pack a day, sometimes even down to 5! The oatmeal thing I did for 6 months, until I learned to hate the stuff!!! LOL! But will start again.

The stress is high, $ matters right now. Will improve in 2 weeks, but have bills to pay.


And No, no family issues with BP

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With high blood pressure, it is important to watch your sodium intake. See link removed


The most sodium is found in processed foods and foods with a lot of preservatives such as canned goods (i.e. canned soups)


A lot of "reduced fat" foods make up for less fat by adding a lot of sodium.


eliminated a lot of salt from my diet


In many cases, it's not the use of table salt that has negative effects, it's the sodium content in foods. Small amounts of table salt is fine. Be sure to read the labels for sodium content.

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And No, no family issues with BP


Good. Then you have a really good chance of bringing it down with some of the life changes, etc. people have already suggested. Lots of reasons to quit smoking of course (coming from an ex-smoker). And don't think I don't miss it sometimes.

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KG - I by and use the light table salt. Since everything in our processed foods has too much sodium anyway, light salt is very healthy even for your son.


I doctor my oatmeal a lot, I am too lazy to cook the nice slow stuff (my dad gets up at 5 am to make his oatmeal) but I use raisins, dates, cinnamon (also god for BP), nuts, flaxseed meal (another good for BP, gives a nice nutty taste). But I am a northern person by birth, we must have our gruel.


Also get plenty of good complex carbs and fiber, I can't give you the exact connection but overall health seems to rely on that, maybe because they help the body move fats through more efficiently.


Drink lots of water, being dehydrated can raise blood pressure.



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Also ... honey, add it to your oatmeal. If you can try find some local non-filtered honey. It contains minute amounts of local pollens and there is a thought that this can help desensitize our bodies to local allergy pollens. There is no proof and it takes a long time (a year) to be effective, but I'm enjoying adding it to everything! I have had some friends say they think it works.

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