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Does she like me or not?

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Ok ok I like this girl, but what I think is she doesnt. I've been drawing her pictures of her fav. singers and stuff like that and she really likes it. My friends say that she is using me...but i dont think that she is...or maybe she is i dunno! I have her on MSN and when i log in, she would log off and her friend said its becuz i talk to her too much.

Is she ignoring me or something or becuz she doesnt like me at all


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ok i think that if u want to see if she likes u, u should try not tlkin to her and let her come to u. like sign on and have her say hi first. give it a while. if she likes u she wont b able to stand it that long she will need to tlk to u. if she doesnt tlk to u at all n e more and u always have to start a convo u dont need her. many of fishes in the sea luck i donno if this will help but i hope it does.

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Perhaps you've come on a little too strong and she's feeling a little scared, which would explain her signing off on msn the second you log in. Give her some space. If she likes you, your absense will definitely affect her and she'll come to you, and when she does, don't overreact and start claiming your love for her, because that'll push her even farther away. Maybe she's coming out of a bad relationship and she's scared of being hurt again...Who knows! What you need to do is stop being the least bit clingy, and wait for her to initiate things. If she doesn't, it's probably because she's not interested.




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