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people make it sound so easy but for me it's really hard.

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i've posted alot of times now and the thing is while i appreciate the advice i get from people, alot of times i feel so alone in this world. i'm 22 now, i don't have a gf and i never have really. to make things worst, i feel so akward around people. sometimes i stumble over my words and i feel so retarded in front of others. i posted awhile back about a girl i liked, but i haven't talked to her since november and i'm not sure what i want to say to her. i really liked her but it was in vain. i wrote a story for her cause writing is sorta a talent of mine and while she said she liked it honestly...i don't know if that's true anymore. i want to te;ll her how she's hurt me but i'm not about to have my words and heart crapped on again by her or anyone else.


love happens to everyone it seems but me. and it's not like i don't try or nothing no one cares and that hurts. it hurts even more when i see girls falling for duece bags who take love for granted. with this last girl i like people say just to move on and to that i feel luike this:


everyday i get up go to school, go through the day (usually depressed as hell but no less i go through with it) get home and go to sleep and wake up to do it all again....i think i am moving on. if i wasn't moving on, i think i would have already killed myself. but as an individual, i can't feel a certain way just cause someone else can easily "get over it". some days i don't want to live cause it hurts to know i may be alone in this. i can't go to the mall or movies because i see the majority of people around me holding hands with their gf or bf. i can't even stand to hear someoen talk about their boyfriend or girlfriend without feeling embarrassed and frustrated about my own lack of a girlfriend.


look i know i've said alot and i tried not to make this sound stupid. it's just that i can't really talk to my family and i don't have anyone my own age that can really relate since everyone my age has a gf or bf. so that's why i come here and write all this. that's all i guess. bye for now.



also, i don't expect God to do evryhting for me, but i wish he would send a miracle in my life like i've heard others say they've gotten. i don't have a whole lot of faith, but i try to believe and i wish he cared about me. sorry if this was too long and dumb.

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Im no psychologist, but why are you depressed?


Is it BECAUSE the lack of a girlfriend, or were you depressed before... you concluded having a gf would swish those worries away, but that never materialized, so in turn you got even more depressed?


I dont know you, but everyone in this world has problems. Me you, your family, everyone. It seems like you thikn having a gf will cure this or something. Sure its great, makes you happy... BUT if you go into a relationship with issues, you will only make them worse, and give your partner more issues to deal with.


Theres good points about being single too, so no need to be depressed. It will happen, when it happens.


Im not saying your a basket case looking for a blonde haired cure, but just make sure you dont think they will help any existing problems in your life.


good luck

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It's ok to want a girlfriend and want to date....thats why dating was made for to find a mate. Anyway thing is girlfriends don't just come and fall into laps neither do boyfriends. You gotta get up and go. Get out into the swing of things. Do you have friends? Get togther and try to add new people to do stuff with y'all it will help your nervousness. You still have your comfortable friends and then you have the new friends as a challenge. Be edgy strut your stuff. Go to that girl you think you like give her an awesome story and look her in the eye and ask "Is this better than the other one?" Keep the conversation going....the key is familiarness you will get more comfortable when you become familiar with this girl and she will be the same with you. Start out as friends if this doesn't work out it has totally opened up chances to meet other nice girls (you know she probably has friends, wink, wink). Good Luck!

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I kind of understand what your going through. I wake up every morning, forcing myself to go to school. I dont have many friends and the so-called ones I do have arent any help. Ive liked this girl for like 5 years now, but she doesnt know Im there. Last year I missed months of school because I was so depressed. I still kind of am, but Im on medication. It helps, but I still feel sad, confussed, scared, upset when it comes down to her. I guess what Im trying to say is there are people in this world like you. Dont feel alone. You could try seeking some help.

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i think i know what you mean. i used to be so afraid of girls, thought that no one could have feelings for me. But what you need to do, i think, is get out, conquer your fears, dont let them control you. Approach people at your college or workplace, try to be friendly and get to know more people, approach both women and men and become friends with them. It may take a while to get the courage because you think that youll just make an idiot out of yourself if you make a mistake or skip a word in a scentence that theyll judge you for it, if they judge you for how you talk then theyre not worth your friendship, if you look theyre are plenty of nice people out there. All you have to do is look for them.

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