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self-fufilling prophecy.

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A self-fulfilling prophecy is one that you believe in so strongly that you actually subconsciously take actions to make it come true.


For example, if you believe your relationship is doomed. Suddenly you start doing things to mess it up without even realizing it. And then, the prophecy comes true, the relationship ends. And it ends because you caused it to happen.


Hope this makes sense.

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Yeah, for a relationship, it would be things like, being sure you're less attractive to your bf, taking less care of yourself and getting snappy and/or emotionally clingy or pushing him away because of your feelings - and thus MAKING yourself exactly what you feared. Emotions are powerful things - fear or dread of something happening can make us act in ways that anticipates the disaster and actually precipitates it, instead of avoiding it.


Try and take a step BACK from the situation and take a calm and logical look - and see what can have other explanations before letting your fears own you.

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It means that someone's current actions already dictate their future.


You can use this to your advantage. A self-fulfulling profecy can be a good one.... such as...


Tom knew he was going to hit a home run during the big game, and sure enough, he did.


It can be a good thing to. Change your thoughts to positive ones.

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