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Okay so I guess this may pretty much come out as a vent, but seriously, I'm getting sick and tired of guys trying to guilt trip me when I try to end dating them. And with this, it just gets messier and messier and frustrates me even more. I try to be nice, but also direct but EVEN THEN! They continue to say things oooh "you're pushing me away" oooh "I just wanted to spend some time with you" or ooooh whatever. I'm thinking to myself, are you serious? Are you that immature? Do you really need to try and guilt trip me to stay? Which then sometimes works for like a day or two but then I'm back like no, this isn't right, I don't want this. Anyone have similar issues? Tips???? Like seriously, I'm sick of dating at this moment. Oh I was dating nonexclusivily with this guy for I don't know, 1.5 months maybe? We were friends before, but then again he was interested (I had said no intially and then started to fall for him). But come on now! grrrrrrr

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A friend of mine experienced this with one particular guy she used to see - she just couldn't get rid of him.


We talked about it a bit, and i found out that even though she told him she didn't want to be with him, she kept sleeping with him at random times.


Of course he's not going to go away. lol


Sweettooth...i'd look into your own behavior to see if you're doing something that sends mixed signals. If not, then just say "I don't think we should continue to see each other. You're a great guy, good luck." Then ignore them. How hard is that?

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I hear what you're saying... all you have to do is read some of the 'getting back together' threads where it is obvious that the one person wants to break up and the other is so determined to get back together they don't 'hear' the breakup, or believe it, or leave the person who broke up with them alone.


Some people do it because they're deeply hurt and just can't believe they've been dumped, and others think if they hang around long enough or bug the other person enough they'll get back together.


So you are are serious about breaking up you need to be kind, but also very blunt and clear, as in, it's really over, and i am sure it is over and i'm not going to take you back.


then if they still don't get the point, cut off contact as you've done your best and your absense might be the only thing that makes it clear to them (and even then they may not get it, because they don't want to get it). but it's not your problem then, but theirs.

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