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My ex-girlfriend and I have been broken up for a year now. We dated for 2 ½ years. I went through heavy depression after that. Four months after the break up I met another girl and everything went well but my ex was still in the back of my head sometimes. Eventually the new girl and I broke up. Now lately, for some reason, I've started thinking about her a lot, she's in my dreams, and can feel depression coming back which I don't like. Another bad thing is she is with another guy and it seems like she is pretty happy. I really don't what do and feel hopeless. Someone please give me advice.

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hi im Qtpie87 i see this is your first post here, well this is a great place to talk and get help. there are so many people that have huge hearts and are willing to help. well i don't really know how i can make your pain go away, if i did then everyone would feel good again. i think that it might help you to talk instead of keeping it all bottled up inside though. Im going to send you a private message and it says private messages up on the top of the screen when you log in and all you do is click on it and it shows them to you, so i think that you should pm me back and we can talk whenver you need. im here for you and so is everyone else here.

see ya,

love Qtpie87

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Just my opinion....


hmm i dunno, personally i think that new girl you dated was just a rebound thing so you didn't really get time to really get over your ex. and now that you're single and lonely again, you start thinking about her.


very normal, nothing you can really do about it but try and move on, because that was what you did NOT do in the first place, but instead, you just chose to fill that void with another girl. i mean, going out with someone no matter how long, takes a while to get over especially if you guys had something deep going on. she was a part of your pass life and it's hard to realize that she's no longer going to be there anymore.


My god, you have no idea how tempted i am to just go out there on the rebound...i mean, everyone tells me i'm nice, i'm cute and i'm smart and i definatly deserve better... BUT that's not the right thing to do.. i mean..you can go out there and have FUN.. but don't go jumping back into the dating scene until you are emotionally healed and you have done some self-discovery...


you konw, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, i mean you've already dated other people, so you konw that there are other fish out there in the ocean that could make you happy. what you really need to do now is just let time do the healing.. yes yes i konw everyone including myself, hates to hear that.. but really there isn't anything else for you to do.


i konw what you mean about dreaming/thinking about her, there is not a day in the pass month that i have not dreamt about my bf holding me in his arms to sleep and waking up and realizing that we are broken up. But you konw what? we woke up, we're not dead are we? so i guess this break up didn't kill us and now we'll just have to toughen up.


go out, have fun with your friends, go to school, get a job, take up a new hobby .. wutever just keep yourself busy.. do some self-discovery..i don't konw why you guys broke up and if there's a possibility for you guys to get back or whatever. But you konw you have to move on. Just look at all the good times you guys had together and be thankful that she was once a part of your life and gave you such happy memories. Being sad? well... you have to endure those.. don't try to suppress the feelings, it'll just go deeper and deeper inside your heart and one day it'll come back wosre than before.


it's depressing to think about all the happy times that you guys had.. and now it's all gone..but what's done is done, you can't dwell on the pass, look upon those moments with happiness instead...and just realize that you can live by yourself.. you will not die if you don't have a gf with you ever waking moment of your day...let yourself be sad and don't be to hard on yourself... you'll find that as you are getting over this, the sadness will become less and less painful.


hope that helps..

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I think that the best thing for you to do right now is to go back to the no contact rule. Sometimes you can get hit with missing someone when you least expect it. This probably will not last long, especially if you stop seeing her and hearing about her going ons. Good luck, and remember you are not alone!

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