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Starting a conversation


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(I'm seventeen.) I can tell this girl at school wants me to talk to her, but we've never had an actual conversation before. She stares at me, makes a lot of eye contact, plays with her hair trying to get my attention, and all that good body language stuff, so I'm sure she's interested. She's given me a couple of opportunities to start talking to her, but I don't know what to say and I've blown them so far, and I'm kicking myself for it now. Unfortunately, she's not in any of my classes; although the second semester begins in just a couple of weeks. However, I go to my locker after almost every period. (This girl has a few friends with lockers by mine, so she's often right around there.) A couple of times when I've come down to my locker, she'll be leaning against it, not talking to anyone. I come from the direction she's facing but she pretends not to notice me until I come up and say, "Excuse me." She says, "Sorry," and moves over a little. She lets me in just enough to dial in my combination, but barely gives me any room to open the door hardly at all, and although her back is turned, she keeps looking over her shoulder at me, and playing with her hair and that kind of thing. Obviously, she wants me to say something more to her, but I don't know how to start. Keep in mind we're in between classes, so I've go to keep it reasonably short, and I'd like to make her laugh a little too so she'll feel comfortable about talking to me more. Sorry this is kind of long, but I wanted your responses to be situation-specific.

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Hello there


If she does all that to try to get your attention..then it's obvious she likes you. If you really don't have much time to tell her something, then... what you do is (with a smile) introduce yourself quickly and ask her if she would like to meet you after school, or in the morning..so you guys have time to talk and get to know eachother. You don't have to make her laugh the first time you talk to her, that's putting too much pressure on yourself. Just be yourself. So then, when you DO have time to talk...you can compliment her on what she's wearing(nicely) or someting sweet like that. It always breaks the ice. Later on, you will feel more comfortable talking to one another and things will go smoothly.


Wish you the best



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How about saying "Hey, do you mind not blocking my locker all the time? It's really annoying!"


Hmm, you want to get rid of her right? ;o)


Honestly just say "hello, how are you?" ask her name, give her yours (if you don't know it already) Do you have any common interests with her? maybe mention something about that, sports, school, church whatever interest you share.


She won't be hard to talk to, it sounds like she is just bursting at the seams to speak to you, hopefully when you get back to school she is still interested. If not, lesson learned. If she is, make your move. Nothing is more saddening then regret for lost opportunity.

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