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different shapes and sizes....what do guys like??


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Hi this topic has been burning inside me for ages. Im a 20 yr old female and although i am a uk size 10, i too like many other women feel insecure and have body hang ups sometimes, especially when we are bombarded with images of thin and beautiful women by the media all the time.


But i want to hear from the guys directly. what is the ideal size of a woman to a guy. do most guys prefer a very slim woman? maybe give me some celebrity role models to get a mental picture of what shape is more attractive and preferable? I know personality is important too but my question is direcly targetting the attraction to a person's figure. Your answers might help many women to feel more relaxed and content with thier sizes and shapes cause we are constantly worried about not being a perfect supermodel shape for our partners! thankyou

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its a very difficult question and very personal, since beauty is in the eye of the beholder.


I for example am attracted to 2 things first and foremost.


#1 The girl has to be blonde

#2 the girl has a face that is round or square (kinda like the Britney Spears face).


The body type (pear shape, hourglass, box whatever) is secondary however she must do the best she can with what she has been given.


See its different for everyone. I can be in a room full of unbelievably hot brunettes yet if an average blonde walks in I am attracted to her like a moth to light. Believe me when I say this every guy has his weird preference. Every girlfriend I have ever had, and evey girl I have ever dated or slept with except for 2 has been a blonde.


its hard to just ty to get a general opinion and force yourself into something that you are not. You will miss the guy who is attracted to the person you are.


But overall this is what is important and what I think is more important for a girl to focus on.


1. SHe must be clean, and not smell anywhere bad especially down there.

She must smell good at all times.

2. She must be a lady, and be feminine.

3. She must have feminine manners (no belching, farting, or anything that destroys the image that she is a princess)

4. She must have her own opinion and speak her mind.

5. She must smile and be positive.

6. She must not be insecure and try to put me down.

7. She must have morals.


I'm sure you can figure out others...personality, attitude, etc...


Those are the things that make you more attractive in my mind at least, and I think they are much mroe important.


As far as the physical...body goes.....some guys like boobs, some guys like butt, some guys like face, and some guys like legs....


If I am lusting after a girl, at first glance I tend to be attracted to the size 1,2,3,4,5,6,7....after that its not for me at least in general. But there are so many variables in this equation...different faces, different smiles, different shapes, butts, looks, heads, heights.....there is no one ideal...


I might like a size 2 today who is asian, and like a size 7 blonde tomorrow. it depends on what she projects, and what she is. heck I've seen 45 year old women who I thought were gorgeous, I've seen size 12 women who I thought were very attractive and I have seen size 1 or 3 women who I thought were ugly as sin. it all depends on the guy, and on the situation.


Being in shape matters the most, putting in the effort to go to the gym every day is very attractive becasuse it always bring out the best from your body. That is sexy. To me having a nice firm butt is very important also, I think much more important than having boobs or being a toothpick. But that can be accomplished with jsut a litte effrot at the gym.


Overall though guys prefer slim women. Slim women appear to take care of themselves better, and most guys assume that when a woman is overweight or does not work out she does not take care of herself in other areas of her life since she can't even take care of her body.


Its not about being a supermodel, its about being confident and assertive. Its about bringing out the best in you that god has given you. That is always very attractive.


Check this out, my ex was a supermodel, She had the butt, she had the blonde hair, she had the full C size boobs, she had the legs (she was all legs), she had the perfect body, she was clean, she was great in bed, and all the guys wanted to get into her panties. Yet she did not have the heart, she did not put in effort, she was extrememly selfish, she put people down, and was materialistic. I'm still in love with her becasue my ego was crushed, I loved her so much, and I gave so much of myself, but as time goes on I realize more and more that maybe despite her beauty and having everything most guys desire, she was not right for me. I'm beginning to realize that now I would trade her in for a girl with half her looks who does not even have a good body like that who had the heart, and was generous who knew how to give and how to love.


Beauty goes away, but inner strength, generosity, heart, and appreciation, and most importantly acceptence last a lifetime.

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Different things matter to different guys in different amounts. Different guys like different types of women. I've dated women from 5'2" (157 cm) to 6' tall (183 cm). I've dated women from size 2 to size twelve, hardly and "A" cup (flat) to DD. This is a big range. But try, just try, to find an olive-skinned, brown-eyed woman in the bunch. Not for me. In school, no one believed me when I knew the color of every average or better looking woman's eyes. Then, they tested me. Not only did I know green, brown, blue, etc. I could describe the woman with blue eyes but they are almost purple, the woman who king of almost hand not iris, brown but with flecks of gold, etc. To me this was important. To others it did not matter. In sum, it depends on the guy.

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For me.. I have dated slim, tall, chubby, and tiny. What matters the most is how the person treats themself.


I have been totally turned on by chubby girls who believed they were sexy.


My ideal is 5'4" slim with smaller breasts and long legs. But that's so silly in a way because when she gets older and has kids, her body will change.


Work on your sexiness, not your body.

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