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Do you find yourself reminiscing after a breakup

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And I do not mean reminiscing about the relationship, I mean looking way back beyond the relationship. I find myself looking back on my childhood and all my care free days. Mainly 10 to 19 years old. Thinking about the good ole days when my stresses seemed incredibly petty and everything was come and go. Screw going back in time to my relationship, I want to go back to 13 years old. Back to the days when me and my friend would ride our bikes to the video store to rent a video game. Those were the days.


Basically this is a way for me to cope. To look back on my life when things were happy and I did not have a care in the world. It is just a small help, but it will occasionally knock me out of an anxiety attack.

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It is amazing that I actually worried about anything back then. My family life was good. I did not have many friends, but I had enough to keep me busy and happy. I had everything I wanted. As long as I made it home for when dinner was on the table I was all good. All that adolescent crap seems so miniscule now. This is probably why I want kids so bad. I want to provide these things to someone else.

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My goodness yes. I remember going down to the corner store with a friend and a dollar and buying a whole bag of candy and then biking down to the lake to our hideout and gorging ourselves on said candy.

Life was much simplier before puberty that's for sure.


SchecterGuy, I think you're gonna make a great dad one day!

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My goodness yes. I remember going down to the corner store with a friend and a dollar and buying a whole bag of candy and then biking down to the lake to our hideout and gorging ourselves on said candy.

Life was much simplier before puberty that's for sure.


SchecterGuy, I think you're gonna make a great dad one day!

I have to archive this one. You made it to my signature Clementine.

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You seem to be a very positive guy and something this place needs. On a side note, I just realized a thread like this maybe a nice distraction from all the negative. Maybe remind people to go to their happy place. Although it may be detrimental to those who had a bad childhood

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