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Allison and I dated for 4 months then she "disappeared". (said she wanted to focus more on school). She apologized for being "selfish" but said that she still cared for me. I heard from her, on and off, for 7 weeks, but didn't see her. In early December, she started calling again but never explained why she just walked away without an explanation. This really hurt. I was sick, I couldn't sleep and I was having awful anxiety attacks. But I was glad to hear from her again because I knew she was okay. We went to a concert on December 13th and I haven't seen her since. We've talked on the phone but haven't had "THE Talk" yet. I want to talk to her in person but she always seems to have an excuse. I'm getting extremely pi**ed off at her. She came into my life unexpectedly last summer and things were wonderful. Now, we are barely acquaintances!


I'm looking for closure or hope from her but I'm getting neither. Friends at work ask me "how's Allison doing" and I'm embarrassed to say "I don't know". They look at me shocked - "what do you mean you haven't heard from her, I thought she loved you". All I want is explanation from her as to what's going on her mind and her heart. I've tried to move on but haven't been able to. If I had closure from her I might be able to move on. Any ideas as to how I can get her to open up?

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I have been driving myself crazy with the same issues, but I realized that if she loved me then why are we broke up!!!!!!!! It has come to my attention, that my ex is back together with someone else (not living with her, but (Iguess) trying to work it out.


From my passt experiences, when someone just disappears or wants their space, they may be having someone else on their minds. That is why they just disappear or give no answers as to why.


Be Careful with what you ask for. You might get the answer that you do not want to hear. Trust me it is probably the answer you least want to hear from them.


Leave her be and let her do the chasing. Do not bring up the relationship or you will chase her away for good.

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