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I have some life advice. It may not be true for everyone, but it is true for me, so maybe it will help you if:


1) You feel as if you are "wandering" through life


2) You feel like a punching bag


There have been 2 times in my life where I have found long periods of euphoria. A time where I didn't need anything more than my daily life to excite me. Things like girlfriends, parties, sports, celebrations, were nice to have a part of my life, but my life alone was enough to really make me happy.


The first time was when I was in the military. The second time was when I commited to joining the Seminary. Both times had something in common: I was serving a mission for a bigger purpose than myself. I was commited fully to something much bigger than me. I commited to something honorable.


There are times when we don't feel we are worthy of serving honorable purposes. Sometimes when we do it only half way.


I suggest for those of you who are lost, to consider commiting your entire life to a honorable purpose much bigger than you. Even if you don't feel worthy, if you commit to it, you will grow into who you are supposed to be.


Examples include: committing completely to your family, committing to the Peace Corps, Greenpeace, the military, God, your local government, your church.

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hey routerx, you bring up some great points in your post. id like to add some more.


i like you idea of commitment to something which serves an honorable purpose, but you know any sort of commitment you make which is followed through is quite an achievement. you dont have to do something BIG to fulfill your life.


I think you should keep your own personal goals front and center. they dont have to be associated with anything else but your happiness. i like your points routerx, but for a person who is lost, before making such a rash decision as to fully commit to something higher, perhaps finding yourself and who you are is the first step. no point in venturing into something on impulse only to drop out. Dedication and comittment is good, but your heart has to be in it.


Helping people is the greatest gift you could give anyone. We all need it, so its only right that we should give it. I figure if your on this site, then your making steps towards this. You wish to find answers but you also give them, and that commitment alone is honerable. Ok.. ...now ive gone off topic but you all get me.


but right, just having a life without the excitments attached is a happy thing, just many of us dont see it ( YES including me most of the time) But if we dont appreciate our lives in their natural state, we cant really appreciate it with all the attachements.


Well thought i might add my 2cents in



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Hallo routerex,


It's amazing how many of us are lost as you put it. In my experience some of the most lost are those who devote themselves to good works without first understanding themselves. I believe that you are correct, Self sacrifice is the only road to freedom. I also believe that you cannot sacrifice that which you do not possess.

"Only when you have realised and mastered Self does it become a fitting and necessary sacrifice."

For me, everything springs from this foundation. I think it is because we find it so hard to believe in our own worth that we often seek meaning in "bigger" causes.




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