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ex called today from b/f's house on what would be our 3 year

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Hey everyone. Thanks for reading..

A weird thing happened today. My ex that broke up with me almost 5 months ago called me today at home while I was at work from her new boyfriends house that she started dating right after we broke up.2 weeks after to be exact. Today Jan 5th would have been our 3 year anniversary together. Question to all but especially women.. Why do you think she called me today?Especially from her new b/f house? She made it clear to me a few months ago that she had no more feelings for me and that the new guy makes her happy... I still love her and miss her but trying to keep up with the no contact thing so I can heal faster..

She didn't leave a message today when she called but should I call her back? Or let it be...? She said she wanted to pick up the rest of her stuff sometime soon last time we spoke around xmas time but is it a coincidence she called of what would have been our 3 year anniversary today? I thought about her all day and I just noticed 10 mins ago that she called at noon from her new b/f house because I have call display..

SHould I call back?

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Don't call back. You'll just be inviting more pain into your life. If she wants to talk with you, she will find a way. If you call back, just because you saw her number on the callerID, she will know that she still has you. If she calls again, I'd be polite and cordial, but let her know that YOU have chosen to walk away from the relationship, too. It will show that you have some pride and dignity left. Having some dignity and self respect go a long way in the image you project that others pick up.


You are still healing, don't let a coincidencal phone call derail your efforts.


Best Wishes,


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Maybe she got to thinking about you and what day it was and decided to call. But i agree with bdub. If she really wants to talk to you, she'll find away. Perhaps calling from her new bf's was just a way to make you feel jealous? Prove to her that she can't act in the way she did and expect you to come back to her or even talk to her. For all you know it was a joke that her bf thought would be funny to get you goin. When my ex would call me i'd look at the number and not even asnwer the phone. He'd leave messages which i wouldn't return. And now i'm with someone who respects me enough not to hurt me or think can walk all over me. So just hang in there and you'll find the right relationship in which you'll be more than happy to call the girl back!

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Just a quick comment, bubba...


You said a bump in the road? I want you to step back and think of it from a different angle, and you'll see that it doesn't have to be a bump in the road at all... in fact, it can be the biggest leap you've ever taken.


What you are doing right now, by not calling her back, is what I'll call strength. You may have had to ask for advice, but the fact is: YOU HADN'T CALLED HER, and you have decided not to. That is a HUGE step in healing, and i commend you for it. Be proud of your inner-strength for that. Many others that have been put in your situation would have picked up and dialed without hesitation, but you stepped back and thought about something different... reality. Be proud you have that grip on reality, and you'll see that it wasn't a bump in the road, but a push foreward.


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Don't call her! She's just stringing you along, been there done that. Stringed along for almost 9 months! Don't be like me! avoid those calls and you wil be ok, she just sounds like she's selfish. If she really wants you back she will make it very clearly known, otherwise there's no point in having her in your life. Your way or the highway.

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