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i have been like seeing this guy for like a month maybe 2..and we act just like we are a couple..but for some reason he doesnt want to make it 'official' i mean im completely happy being w.e we are but then my friends ask if we've had sex he says no...i dont understand y he would lie!? this guy just doesnt seem to be the type to hurt a girl more like the type to get hurt. why doesnt he want to put the title on 'us' and y does he lie??? i just want to be with him and he acts like he does too but he wont admit it!!!

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I would suggest sittin him down and askin him 'why?'. He's not gonna bite ur head off (just a little joke, lol) if it's concernin u, u should always talk problems through as a couple (because that's what couples, do). Maybe he's not comfortable about a certain part of the relationship or maybe it's some sort a show that he's puttin on.


Communication is the key to both a Good Relationship and Marriage.


All the best,


- whitefang

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