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I keep getting the feeling that I will die early in life

big greg

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I can't explain why, I don't know what is making me think this. I've just had the thought within the past few months that for some reason I'm lucky to not have died in some freak accident or something so far in my life. I feel like there is a strong chance that something is going to happen and I'm going to die before I get a chance to be able to do what I want with my life. I'm on that track now, but something keeps telling me that I won't make it to my goals without my life ending prematurely as a youngin'. I know psycho, right.. but I just can't help it for some reason! I'm not depressed or anything, I've been emotionally stable for a long time, this is just out of nowhere.


I'm moving 500 miles away to Houston at the end of this month. One of my best friends is having his wedding blessed (they got eloped in vegas) on August the 30th. Instead of driving back, I planned out and have already reserved a round trip flight for the weekend (cheaper than driving). For some reason, this thought keeps on coming up in my head and I'm almost convinced now that the flight I take will crash and I'll die on it. LOL.. I just laughed out loud after I re-read that last sentence, but that's the thought that keeps on bugging me and it's just getting to me too much now. I'm not suicidal in the LEAST bit, and I'm actually really happy with my life/career and the way it's going right now.


Am I crazy? seriously... If it doesn't happen on the flight back home at the end of August, then I keep on thinking that it will happen sometime soon VIA car wreck, or some freak health accident like diabetes out of nowhere or something. I'm almost CONVINCED that I'm going to die young, I just don't know what's causing me to think this!!!! I'm not sad or unhappy either, it's almost like I've already accepted death and am just waiting on it. Maybe it's the fact that I am somehow subconsciously upset with myself for waiting so long to get my life in order that I am running out of time. I don't know, but I'm starting to ramble .. so I'll end on this note - Please tell me this is a normal thought and that I'm not insane.. lol

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Hey Greg, i can REALLY relate to your post. I used to think that ALL the time. I'm talking like everyday all the time. I used to think that I was going to die by getting hit by a car while walking down the street. I don't know where that came from, but I was seriously terrified of that happening. I eventually grew out of that fear once I got to the place I needed to be emotionally. It might be something totally different for you though. You mentioned that you were moving 500 miles away to Houston. That might have something to do with the way you're feeling. I think that if you're happy with the way you're life is headed now, you should focus on that more then the thoughts about premature death.

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I relate as well to both of you.. It's even when I'm driving, every semi I see I get a mental image of it swerving and sliding into me, or late night falling down the stairs, or "just going to the atm'' and being involved in a shady shooting... I always had these dreams where I was told I would die at 35, and get them quite frequently.


I am only 18 and if that be the case... I GOT 17 YEARS LEFT. lol... Anyway It's better to live life to the max, with least casualties. Don't be jumpin in between semi's because you think your super man now or anything. A lot of times just the idea of leaving home, which often is a persons innate area of security and personal safety, triggers these "OH MY GOSH I COULD DIE". Your mind slightly goes Final Destination on you, and your mind becomes creative.


"Oh I'm gonna cook some Toast which catches on fire, and it spits fire into your bath tub slowly but surely, causing the water to boil, releasing steam and condensation into the air, causing a speedy imbalancement in the water cycle, causing it to rain, which waters your grass to much, and you walk outside one morning and trip on a weed..and die...from weed poisoning you laid down 2 weeks ago." LOL sorry for that..

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"Oh I'm gonna cook some Toast which catches on fire, and it spits fire into your bath tub slowly but surely, causing the water to boil, releasing steam and condensation into the air, causing a speedy imbalancement in the water cycle, causing it to rain, which waters your grass to much, and you walk outside one morning and trip on a weed..and die...from weed poisoning you laid down 2 weeks ago." LOL sorry for that..



haha! Wow...that would be one hell of a way to go!

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Greg - This is something that is relatively new to you?


You are making many changes in your life with the move and taking your trip. I think that probably so many changes and newness in your life has got you to a point of feeling off balance and possibly triggering these worries.


I have known of one person who said often he wasn't going to make it to an old age. I felt it that he wouldn't. I believed him and accepted well before his passing that he would not. He also lived a little more freely and wrecklessly than what I ever did. He had a vibrance and carelessness about him. Live each day to the fullest and take chances. If he would have been more careful..... would he have still been here?


In no way do I mean you shouldn't take chances like moving or going on a trip though!


I went to NY in 2004. My first flight as an adult. I was scared! Wrote short letters to my children.. sigh.. I was trying something new for the first time and busting out of my comfort zone sooo... Fear was huge.


Just wanted to share with you.. All we can do is live a life of taking care of our bodies and being careful. I firmly believe that when it's time, it's time - you can't constantly worry about it. But do take care of yourself. And if it is a worry that controls your life, may want to see what you can do to take care of it so it doesn't...

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I have that same feeling to that I will die since I do alot of dangerous things such as racing or storm chasing either is very dangerous and could take me at any givin time. Also my family has had a history of hartattacks at an early age and with my weight I can go any day.


Back in the day I thought I never make it to 20 years old but thats when I tired sucide which didn't work for me and now I feel like iam living a dream life.


To be honest though I believe I have to carry out what God put me here on this earth to do. Iam on track for alot of diffrent things and reaching my goals one at a time but its that one important thing thats going to take me from here and benefit those around me and perhaps save other peoples lives in the future. As long as I carry out my duty first before I die I am not afraid of the possiblity.


Thinking about premature death is something that doesn't cross my mind very often however can I ask how do you feel about your life right now? are you happy with yourself? where your going?.

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LOL! I think a lot of people have this feeling. Honestly I think it's just modesty at work here. Walk around thinking you're going to live a very long life and you might jinx it? Lol I don't know.


Just look after yourself with regards to your health and be the best person you can be to others, the environment, and what not. Be thoughtful and considerate, don't be a bum-hole. That's all. The rest is just up to fate.

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I used to think I'd die young. Made of list of all the things I wanted to accomplish, got some not all. But I'm still alive and likely not going anywhere anytime soon. Especially since I've survived car accidents people thought I died in.


You'll either die or you're reach a point in life when you don't and realize your going to be around for a while. I've reached the later.

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