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Should I Stay or Should I go?


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I'm really not sure what to do now. Currently I'm living far away from most of my family and most of my friends. I am going to graduate school in another state. I have a year in and one year left, although its all online; it can be done anywhere. I have been dating my girlfriend for about 11 months. The last few months have been really rocky and we really have not been getting along. I also have been sick, not that sick just a soar throat due to acid reflux or allergies and also I may have choleastiatoma that may need to be dealt with at some point in my right ear. My throat is not my worry but my ear is, I have an appointment with a really good ear guy a month from now. I am told that the choleastiatoma, well it may not be that, it may be nothing, or it may be that but currently is small and confined to a small area inside my ear. All of these problems seemed to have begun when I had my anxiety attack/nervous breakdown a few months ago and have persisted ever since. Lately I feel like I would rather be back home in the state I'm from near friends and family. My girlfriend and life stresses me out here. I have a job set up in the East where I'm from and I have a place to stay and everything is all set up for me to go if I decide to. I have not told my girlfriend anything about this, partly because of have been on the verge of breaking up for some time now. I'm just trying to decide if I should go or if I should stay. Please ask me any questions you like if I haven't answered them in this post.



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I've said everything I think. But even though I think our relationship is doomed to fail I still love her. Part of me feels bad that I haven't mentioned any of this to her and that it will come out of left field without her expecting it. I also am worried about my ear. From what I've been told the doc wasn't sure and if it is what he thinks then its not that bad yet and that I can wait a bit. But I have an appointment with who he recommended soon and I'm wondering if I should go to that appointment or leave now to where I want to be and get it checked out there?



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What is more important to U? It depends how bad you feel. Ok basically U’re afraid of her reaction, & U want to stay where everything set up. There are doctors at other place too, U can try to call them & see if U can get appointment. More things may come up in the future if U stay there. The change is scary, but U have to do it sooner or later. If I were U, I would want to get over this as soon as possible, because emotions can create hell.

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