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... Now im really confused...


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well i find out yesterday through a friend that if im still in town by next thursday I have a court date for a restraining order... I havn't even talked to her!!!! Its been 5 days since I have seen her or spoke to her... and now a restraining order??? Also she has to ask this "guy" permission before she does anything... I just don't get all of this not more than 6 days ago she wanted me in her life as a friend, as of today she is getting a restraining order.... I don't understand, I always loved her, and she said she wanted to marry me, and we were engaged, and now all this... total confusion, messing with my head... i need some help...

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• Dude she's going to bring up the past abuse you inflicted, I forget if you mentioned the police being involved at that time.

• You keep showing up at her house while her and the new guy are getting down, of course he’s a witness for these “harassments” and “verbal abuse”.

• What you’ve got here is a BCD. You being ex-military should know the phrase, “Big Chicken Diner” otherwise known as “Bad Conduct Discharge”. You’ve been dismissed.


Stay away. You’ve got to let go now or go to jail. Should this little trollop ever contact you via phone, text, etc… report it to the police. DO NOT RESPOND.

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Dude, this is based on what you did that night she was with that dude. I would have done the same thing. You have issues. Pretend you guys never were and stay out of trouble. She can get you big-time with this. Don't give her the satisfaction.

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