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Valentine's Day Ruined. Depressed again....

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Hey everyone!! My Valentine's Day just got ruined. Like every year. The one year I finally get a boyfriend, he gets grounded, so that he can't do anything!! This really sucks!! Now, I get to sit home alone and cry. I am so depressed. It really sucks. It seems like something always goes wrong after I've gotten something great planned. I give up. That's it.

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Hmmm Miss,


Me being in your shoes, I wouldn't give up yet. It's Tuesday today and you still have a few days. I know this sounds like smartie pants, but is there a way you can talk to him or to his parents and try to let them know how you feel over things? May be you could even play on their feelings and asked them over their teenage years in combination with Valentine's Day. If it was me being a parent, I would forgive.


Good luck!


~ SwingFox ~

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Im right with swingfox. I know it is hard...I have spent some lonely nights by myself and my reflection because I was grounded. Ooh the worst was when I got my bf tickets for a concert for his big xmas gift...I got grounded and couldnt go. I was so mad! But back on the subject, I would give it a shot to talk to his parents about this. Let them know how this has been for you in the past years and how it is disappointing you. If they say "i'm sorry, but we cant allow that" then say that you understand and then maybe try suggesting or rather, asking if it would be okay for you to go to their house instead of him being out. They may be more lenient that way. If that STILL doesn't work, my last suggestion id for you to plan a date just like you would for vday on the first day he is off from grounding and spend vday that way...

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