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Is this bad?


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She has texted me every single night for the past 1.5 months at around the same time, and tonight she hasn't. I texted her goodnight after waiting way pass the time she usually sends me the text and she hasn't responded. We spoke today over text, she initiated it and everything seemed fine. We are exclusive.


What could be wrong? I am just so use to getting a text from her every night saying goodnight!

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It's not like she will always send you a text at the same time every night forever until the end of time.. it will have to break eventually. I used to talk with a close female friend who i love deeply every day for years until she started getting independent, and it can be Killer the first time there is a break in that routine. You will get over it soon, trust me.

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dude NEVER get used to paterns cause things do change and if you let yourself get used to to these things you will be in for some disapointment and end up crying about it like a little girl. haha. no seriously, your reading WAY to into nothing! Her phone could have died or something. The last thing you wanna do to a girl your just starting to date is being to clingly, girls dont like clingly. Let the girls be the clingly ones, not us guys!

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