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Has anyone felt like they're never going to meet anyone again?


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Is this just a normal thought after you break up with someone you've been with for 2 years?


It would be very encouraging to hear some examples of people who thought they'd never meet someone special ever again, yet they did. I'm going through a rough time, and just need some encouragement.

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Hey there, ive just become newly single after a 2 year relationship and i have had those thoughs. However, ive now decided to choose to be single for a while until ive sorted myself out and got myself where i want to be in terms of confidence and independence, i know that sounds boring but im seeing it as a necessary thing right now. Of course youre going to meet someone else in time if you choose to, just because ne relationship has ended doesnt mean that thats it. Go out, enjoy yourself, be good to yourself and do the things you love- you never know what or who is round the corner. The worst thing you could do is go out there looking xx

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It's a completely normal reaction; I think that's why a lot of exes get back together -- out of fear of never finding someone else.


Unfortunately, the only time those thoughts or doubts go away is when you actually do meet someone that makes you completely forget about your ex.


But you will -- don't worry.

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When I left my wife 1.5 years ago, I was very scared that at my age I'd have a tough time finding a woman who found me attractive, and that I was interested in, as well.


But in 5 months I met a beautiful girl who totally fit that bill.


Then one month later I met ANOTHER girl who did too!


Since then, I've been involved with both of them on-and-off in one way or another, and at this point it's a question of which one do I choose.


And to add to the confusion, two months ago I met ANOTHER woman who I would TOTALLY date if she hadn't shown up so late in the game! ](*,)


So don't fret. As long as you keep yourself "out there" and with a positive attitude, then you'll find someone. If you were loved once, you will be loved again. Good luck!

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Is this just a normal thought after you break up with someone you've been with for 2 years?


It would be very encouraging to hear some examples of people who thought they'd never meet someone special ever again, yet they did. I'm going through a rough time, and just need some encouragement.


Hi There,


After going through two long term, difficult relationships (1 lasted 5 years and one lasted 2 years) and a string of bad dates/short term relationships I was losing faith big time.


I spent about a year alone, and then had posted an ad on a personals site without much hope. I had all but accepted that I might be alone and was coming to terms with that, and I was your age (27). Then I went on a date with a guy I met on the dating site... I figured I would have a night out and didn't look beyond that.


Almost 6 years later I am marrying him in 3 months.

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When I left my wife 1.5 years ago, I was very scared that at my age I'd have a tough time finding a woman who found me attractive, and that I was interested in, as well.


But in 5 months I met a beautiful girl who totally fit that bill.


Then one month later I met ANOTHER girl who did too!


Since then, I've been involved with both of them on-and-off in one way or another, and at this point it's a question of which one do I choose.


And to add to the confusion, two months ago I met ANOTHER woman who I would TOTALLY date if she hadn't shown up so late in the game! ](*,)


So don't fret. As long as you keep yourself "out there" and with a positive attitude, then you'll find someone. If you were loved once, you will be loved again. Good luck!


Wow Dallas, sounds like youre spoiled for choice, it must be terrible for you! lol

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i had those thoughts too when i was with my ex and we would get into arguments.

But now after we broke up, i know that there must be someone out there for me.

i'm doing the same thing starlight is doing, sorting myself out, analyzing my past relationship and trying to better myself before i think of being with anyone else.

I plan on being single for a long time, but i'm still not ruling out dating anyone. I just wont be looking for it. if it happens it happens.


I think you should do the same..

ive noticed when you keep looking for someone you have a harder time on finding them, but if you just live your life and enjoy yourself, they show up out of nowhere

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I gets a little harder as you get older. The breakup with my first gf was initially devastating. But I got over it relatively quickly because I immediately went to college. This recent breakup has me a little more worried. It aint college anymore. The pool is a lot smaller and there are not as many options for meeting people.

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I felt like that big time after my ex and I split up.... we were together for right around 7 years and pretty well addicted to each other. Even had a bit of a pattern of break up and make up, which I think is typical of people thinking they will never again find that intense connection, yet maybe knowing that something isn't quite working out right with their partner either ... ugh.


It is very hard to let go and have faith that it will happen again... but it can, and it will. Just when the time is right, and when you allow yourself to let go. You can't force yourself to love someone just right, or see the perfect match for you in just anyone.... but when you are ready and healing and open to it.... in time, it'll happen.


I'm still trying to figure things out, but over a year after my ex and I called it quits for good, I felt the big squishy lovin' feelings again for someone pretty wonderful and dear to me. Not saying it is anything it isn't... but just knowing that someone other than my ex - the one person who had possessed my mind so completely for the better part of a decade - could finally warm my heart, make me smile and gently take my attention away to a better place.... it was a rather huge deal to me. Gives me a lot of hope for the future.


Hang in there.... things do get better

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I'm 36 and all of the last 4 painful breakups I never thought I'd meet anyone like them....well I did and now we're broken up too. I also now think it will be hard to find someone better than her but in a few months I won't think like that anymore...let yourself heal and give yourself some time...do things that will make you better and you will feel better. The one benefit of getting older is each breakup makes me more knowledgeable about what I like and I am able to weed through possible dates quicker to find the ones I really think I'd be compatible with...sure I'd like to be married with kids but around the corner might be the girl who is better than the last and I thought she was pretty good...there's a great chance I'll look back and go wow I dodged a huge bullet when she left!

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Well, I am feeling it right now. My GF for 4.5 years just decided to move back to her home country to start finding her career. No matter what I say or do can keep her here with me and I am devastated. We been throught alot together, ups and downs. And now we are separated. I feel I can never find another one again.

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