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I went out with my boyfriend for 3 years all threw our relationship he was talking to girls online and it bothered me insanely. He was even talking to his ex girlfriend from 5 years ago. I asked him to stop and he thought I was being paranoid. So we split up for a short time and he hooked up with this chick. then we officially broke up for 3 months and now were back together. I still have my doubts, but he says I should learn to trust him. I cheated on him when we were together, so he has his doubts too. I love him very much and don't want to lose him, but how do I get over everything?

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trust is a very special in any relationship. As far as I'm concerned it is the only thing. Sounds like you both need a sit down face to face, and lay your feeling on the table. The trust the second time around, seems for what ever reason to be a little harder to regain. But it can be done I believe in the name of love. You cheated, you need to be forgiven, and he needs to stop talking to other girls on-line. And especially if it is up-setting you so. It would me too !!!!! Talk to one another, somehow you found your way back together. And that is a really good thing and the first step to a stronger and better relationship.


Good Luck !!!



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Well, my boyfriend's best friends are girls...so he talks/hangs out with them all the time, and he also keeps in contact with his ex. I have no problems with it because i trust him and i know that he's with me...and if he wanted to be with one of them, he'd be with them! You just gotta take these things relaxed, guys HATE when girls are jealous or paranoyed. Also, you're the one who cheated on him...he should be the one with doubts not you.

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