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A few short poems....(Su/Si)


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I wish that you could see me.

See what I really am.

Deepest fears.

Secret wishes.

Desperate longings.

Fiery anger.

Vicious words.

You don’t know me.

Can’t begin to appreciate,

The darkness within.




I wish,


I dream,


I’m disappointed,





My heart aches,

My eyes feel heavy,

My soul is like lead,

I’m dragging myself along.

I’m losing it all again.

Just when I got it back.

I’m right where I started.

And I can’t take this anymore.





Save me.

I’m drowning.

Fading away.

Hurting inside.

Aching outside.

No escaping.

Pain follows.

Tears flow.

Take everything.

Leave nothing.

Empty shell.

No feelings.

Just pills.

And cuts.

Killing myself.

Slowly, surely.

Almost gone.




Would really like some feedback.....=)

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