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What is accepable behaviour in a relationship - HELP PLEASE!


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I have been with a girl I love dearly for 2 years, but I still am unsure about what is acceptable behaviour in a relationship. Where do you draw the line? I mean I would never cheat on my girlfriend, however when I masturbate images of other girls come into my mind? Is this OK or is this totally not OK? I'm going crazy here!!! Am I allowed to think about having sex with other women - am I allowed to find other women attractive!!! I love my girlfriend to death and would never cheat on her, but where do you draw the line when you are in a relationship and when do you cross it?



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Thankyou Swingfox

I have discussed what is expected in a relationship, but I still feel really guilty when I see a hot chick or think about having sex with other women. She wouldnt want me masturbating over other women, but sometimes when I do other women slip into my mind and I feel horrible after. I dont look at porn or flirt, but I dont understand why I have been feeling like this for so long. I really dont know whether this conduct in a relationship is ok and thereforeeee shouldnt feel like this or whether i shouldnt do it in the first place


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Then I think it's ok. It is completely natural to think of other people occasionally, it's not as if you laying there thinking "Right, who can I think about that's not my girlfriend?!" As far as my opinion goes, I don't like the idea of my boyfriend thinking of other girls but i know and accept that it happens, we're both open about who we find attractive, and we both know that we love each other and we'd never cheat. I think you and your girlfriend need to understand that you can't help finding other people attractive, it's something that every person in the world does, why should you be the one person that is different? I think that thinking about having sex with other women is ok...but wondering things like whether it would be better than with your girlfriend, or what it would be like with another woman is where the line is crossed. Hope I may have helped a little.


Merry Christmas!

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I really think you are worrying far too much over seeing other girls and thinking that look attractive. You are not with your girlfriend just for the sex you are with her for the whole relashionship thing. You may see other girls and think they are 'hot' but you know that you would not have what you have with your girlfriend with them. If you feel secure in how you feel about your girlfriend and you do seem to reading your messages then don't worry about it.


When you are masturbating it is not the same as being with your girlfriend you are just wanting to get to the errrrrrrrrr goal so you think of all the things that excite you they are just make believe.


I really can't see any harm in what you are doing and I bet most men and a lot of women do exactly the same thing when they are on their own and still have happy full filling relashionships with their partners.

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