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  • 2 weeks later...
Great book but I didn't like the end.


I'm not sure how I felt about the end.. Definitely made me think... I'm going to read it again and see how it is the second time around. It seems like one of those books where you discover something new every time you read it. And I love those kind of books haha

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I'm not sure how I felt about the end.. Definitely made me think... I'm going to read it again and see how it is the second time around. It seems like one of those books where you discover something new every time you read it. And I love those kind of books haha


Yes, it was such a weird premise and yet, it worked....even the part about the algae island which I tried to explain to a friend of mine and he looked at me like I had three heads. I kind of felt like the end was..I don't know, just not fulfilling...not to ruin the book for anyone! It is definitely a good read

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I forgot to say what book I am reading. I am reading "On Food and Cooking". It is a book about the chemistry and history of food. It is very interesting. It's not like the kind of book you sit down and read straight through. I guess you could but I read it in short bits. It's a pretty thick book because it covers everything. I'm reading about honey and how the bees make it honey. Next chapter is on brewing and how we started making liquor.

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Man, I remember spending the summer that The Green Mile came out on an island that didn't get the last three monthly installments of the story. I'd take the ferry one hour to the mainland and bike another hour to the locate bookstore to get them. The last page of the last one was powerful.

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Anathema - Megg Jensen


Self-pubbed e-book... I pick them up for free on Amazon regularly in the hopes of discovering new favorites... it happens sometimes. Good story, needs some editing.


Just finished Under the Dome by Stephen King. That thing is a monster. (But was pretty good.)

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If anyone's looking for a good horror read I can't recommend this more -- I've never read anything that is so addictively terrifying.


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PS: Can anyone tell me how to get rid of the thumbnail after I edit a post where I accidentally post one? There doesn't seem to be a way to make them go away and I hate 'em.

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I've just finished the green mile and now I've started the Hunger Games. I'm about 100 pages into it and its awesome!! Wow, awesome but a very twisted and sadistic story line.


Loved the Hunger Games trilogy. It is one of those that you'll sit there at the end thinking... "Well, now what?!" One of those that you know has to end, but you really don't want it to.

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A friend at work gave me Fifty Shades of Grey two months ago or so. I read it. It was awful. Gave up after the first book. And yet every day I see girls on the train platform clutching onto one of the later sequels. "Oh my." "Geez." "Holy crap." "Oh my." "Holy crap." "Geez." "My inner goddess did a backflip." "Holy crap." "Geez."



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A friend at work gave me Fifty Shades of Grey two months ago or so. I read it. It was awful. Gave up after the first book. And yet every day I see girls on the train platform clutching onto one of the later sequels. "Oh my." "Geez." "Holy crap." "Oh my." "Holy crap." "Geez." "My inner goddess did a backflip." "Holy crap." "Geez."




A friend is supposed to loan me hers (digital edition... I think I'd be afraid to touch someone else's paperback or hard-copy)... but this is what I'm wondering. I have a feeling I'll read the book and roll my eyes almost the entire time. Guess we'll see!

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A friend is supposed to loan me hers (digital edition... I think I'd be afraid to touch someone else's paperback or hard-copy)... but this is what I'm wondering. I have a feeling I'll read the book and roll my eyes almost the entire time. Guess we'll see!


Oh God. The "eye-rolling" was another thing she repeated over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over. I looked it up on Wikipedia after I read it and turns out it was originally written as Twilight fan fiction that she put online for free, but then the makers of Twilight told her to take it down so she just changed the main character from a vampire to a billionaire and the names and left the rest pretty much the same. Which is exactly how it reads.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Just started re-reading after 10 years. Still one of the funniest / mind-breaking books I've ever read.


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Chris have you read Quicksilver? I got about a quarter of the way through, and was loving it, but then I went through my breakup and I couldn't concentrate on reading. And I think I actually left my copy at the ex's, so have never picked it up again. But it was very cool.


I'm currently reading Alice Munro's "The View From Castle Rock". Another brilliant writer who makes it all look too easy.

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