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Seven year's itch


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I have been with my bf for almost seven years now. And yes, there it is, the seven year's itch. Doubting very much, also because lately I met some wonderful men!


My bf has been a great support for my over the last years, but since we are living together I get more and more doubts if this is the right choice for me.


Who has experience with this 'seven years' syndrom and want to tell how they came out of it.

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Hey it's most probably just me but I don't believe in the seven year itch. Sure people have doubts on their relashionships throughout their time together but at all times! Not becuase they reached seven years.


It comes down to the same old questions really, do you want to be with your BF? Are you sure these other guys are as compatiable or is it because of that fun spark of someone showing an interest in you? Don't throw away something you have for the greener grass but also don't stay in case of feeling lonely if you are not with that person or just because the relashionship feels comfortable.

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