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Info about Respect


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My intent of this is to show, teach, and remind everyone how to behave well to everyone.


Respect is...

Respect is...listening with out interrupting

Respect is...taking their feelings into consideration

Respect is...keeping an open mind

Respect is...agreeing to disagree

Respect is...trying to understand the other person's viewpoint

Respect is...loving yourself

Respect is...trust and honesty

Respect is...giving each other space

Respect is...nonviolence

Respect is...direct communication

Respect is...building a person up instead of tearing them down

Respect is...friendliness

Respect is...not pressuring the other person


We Don't Feel Respected When...


We are forced


We are ignored


We are threatened


We feel imposed upon


We feel intruded upon


We feel judged or rejected


We are not listened to


We are lied to


We are lied about


We are not given reasonable explanations


We are not asked for our opinions


We are invalidated


We are interrupted


We are laughed at

(especially when we are upset or

in pain or some kind of trouble)


We are not cared about


We are mocked


We are stereotyped


We are underestimated


We are not taken seriously


Our feelings are not taken seriously


Our preferences are not taken seriously


Our dreams are not taken seriously


Our ideas are not taken seriously


Our needs are not acknowledged

and not taken seriously


Our questions are not taken seriously


Our questions are not answered or

are evaded


We are told that we wouldn't be able to

to understand something


We are not asked for our ideas


Others make decisions about us

without our input


Others do not try to understand us


Others make assumptions about us


We are not asked what we think we need


Others tell us what they think we need.


We are not asked how we feel


Others believe they know what is best for us


Others believe they know us better

than we know ourselves


Our way of doing things is not accepted


Our privacy is invaded or denied


We feel betrayed


We feel controlled

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