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I guess i'm just feeling utterly rubbish tonight.


Its a lot of things rolled into one. But i guess one of the main things is i'm just so lonely. Since my now ex split up with me, i just cant get him out of my head. we've only seen each other twice since the break up, and i love him more than ever. i guess he's just stringing me alone now, saying "you never know what will happen just give me until after my exams in June" but then i ask "promise?" and he just says "i cant promise you anything i just don't know". why are guys all idiots?


I've never attracted the right guy. And then i thought i did. i was so happy. now i'm shattered. and i don't know how to get out of the tunnel i am stuck it!


Everyone's been telling me to get out and meet someone new but it's so hard! nobody wants me. all other guys are attracted to all of my gorgeous friends. i must be the fat frumpy one that's in all groups that never gets noticed. which makes me feel like total crap.


Which leads me onto another thing. i just cant stop eating. when im bored i eat, when i feel low i eat...my life feels like it exists around food. i try to work it off my running but nothing works, ive put on loads of weight since the breakup..i'm not 9.5 stone which is not good for me. it's sent my self esteem right down and i just feel so rubbish about myself. im so negative when i should be positive. i feel i have nothing to live for.


what can i do to make myself better?


help me.....x

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Hi blondy,


I'm sorry you are going through this right now.


It sounds to me like your ex doesn't really know what he wants but is feeding you lines to keep you on the back burner until he makes up his mind. dont let him do this to you. he is saying things to give you hope so you dont go anywhere while he makes up his mind. this is going to bring you nothing but disappointment and shattered hopes and its not fair for him to make you wait around. trust me, if he wants to be with you, he will be...no excuses. if he needs space, give him all the space in the world, but dont let him keep you on a back burner and give you false hope either.


right now, try and focus on taking care of you. try and spend some more time with your friends, excercise, eat right and get enough sleep. I know its easier said than done when you feel like sh*t over a breakup. just take it one day at a time. above all, dont allow him, or anyone to drag you down like this and treat you like second best. thats what he's doing right now.


things will improve, you'll see.



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Firstly, Im sorry you are feeling so low right now. I cant tell you how to make yourself feel more attractive, but remember, looks arent everything, the more pressure you put on looking good the worse you will feel. When you imagine feeling good about yourself, what do you imagine? I always feel good when Im helping others, and when people think Im intelligent or funny. Ive signed up recently to do a first aid course and Ive been preparing myself for medical school, it takes my mind of my recent break up and other things. Ive also applied to volunteer for the Samaritans, because I always feel better when Im helping other people. You will get respect and gratitude. When you start feeling a bit better, it will be easier to stop comfort eating, and then you will feel even better about yourself. At the moment it sounds like you are in a vicious cycle which is very difficult to get out of. Maybe join a club and make some new friends who make you feel good about yourself. I dont know if any of this will help, Im just giving suggestions on what would work for me. Good luck xx

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Hi Blondy,


I feel really sorry for you to go trough this.

And even the sweetest words are sometimes not able to mend a broken heart, but realise that you are not alone..friends arethere to help you.

Go stand in front of the mirror and look at yourself with proud and say to yourself loud:

Even tough I lost my boyfriend i still love myself!! Repaet it as long as you think you need it.

Find in yourself the nice person you probably are.The greatest gift in life we can give to ourselfs is exept ourselfs with all our defects but most aff all all our qualities.


As for the eating problem I would advice you to have alook at EFT techniques.

No medication, no side effects and completely workable.

EFT= Emotional Freedom Techniques.

Exist in tapping on accupunctur points on our body wher our energyfields get activated to bring the nergiefields in our body in equilibration.

Peolpe are lossing weight with it, with good results.

Just tick in your google browser EFT and read a bit about it.IT really HELPS!!!

(I cured my sun with it from making wee in his bed 2 times a week..after one session he is dry no for 3 weeks already)


Be proud about yourself and LOVE yourself!!!

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