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There is this girl I like, but she has a boyfriend. The thing is, I think that she is pretty crazy about him, and it has been tough to try to get her to like me. We study together all the time, and we laugh and joke, and I try to give hints, but I don't think she gets them.


For instance, we were studying for a difficult exam, and she was feeling pretty shitty about the whole thing because she was not understanding some of it. So that night I walk her home (I always do), and I grab her hand and tell her that I need to see her smile. So she smiles and goes inside, but she didn't give any hints back.


I'm thinking that maybe I should start hinting a little more heavily, but I've been pulling all the same tricks. Do you guys have any ideas?

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Okay... first of all: I am not sure if you should pull this through. It might be very possible that she is very very much in love with her current b/f and not even thinking of leaving him. The reason why I am telling you this, is because I wouldn't want you ending up being hurt.


If you are being serious about pulling this through anyways, it looks like there is just one way: BIG BOOM! Tell her right out ... ask her out ... it looks like you are close friends, so it's not like that she will walk away on you right away.


I hope my two cents help you... Good luck!


~ SwingFox ~

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dude, you're the guy no guy likes... i'm sorry to be the one to tell you this... if some guy was walking my girlfriend home and holding her hand and shit i'd kick his ass... if she didn't want to be with her boyfriend i'm almost positive she wouldn't be... which in your case she's with him so why don't ya just relax? just let her be happy... but don't change your friendship, mabe a little less hand holding, less hints, etc... trust me man... you don't want the crap knocked out of you for holding her hand...

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Good advice everyone. First of all, no one is going to beat the crap out of me. I'm 6-1, 180. I was never really worried about her boyfriend.


However, I've decided that I care about this girl, and whether she is with me or not, it does not matter - I just want her to be happy. It seems to me that by asking her out I will either lose her as a friend, or I she will say yes, but she would have to choose between her boyfriend and me - and I don't want to have her doing that.


I'll let you guys know what happens.


Thanks again, and keep the advice coming.

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