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I just ignored my ex's call!

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Ok, today is the first time he called since monday. I totally didnt pick up his call. And I was talking to my roommate and she said dont call him back. And show some dignity. See the thing is he broke up with me, I was in love with him gave him everything and him just didnt make any sacrifices...I think he was afraid to commit or something. But anyways, ignoring his calls is kind of making me feel a little stonger and i feel like i am building a new stronger character for me. I am wondering what would he say, what is he thinking now? All these questions. Can anyone help and tell me if this was the right thing to do?

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Of course it's going to drive you crazy, wondering what he had to say - but it is an important step. NC is very good for the heart, it helps you heal, and knowing that you feel a little stronger even after something that feels so small, like ignoring a call, is such a positive thing.

You will get stronger.

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Its definitely the right thing. The best thing you can do right now is build up your own power. Don't focus on what he is thinking or what he would say...focus on YOU! take your mind off your break up and avoid contact as it will only set you back.

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It is hard to sleep now...umm...like should I call him back...But then I am like will he neer call me back again. But I was thinking if he really wants to talk, really he will call back one day again.....Umm so hard, in three days we will be separated for more than a year for school. So what if he is like, ok i guess she doesnt want to pick up my call and i am leaving in a few days, I should just forget it. I am just thinking right now...may be too much...its like one call I ignored....and I am wondering if he will never call again...?

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ok sounds good. just afraid that the distance and him moving back to his ex may make him forget about me...? but i will never know the truth until it happens, I cant prevent what he wants to do, I have no control over it right? sorry guys, i am just thinking and questioning myself...: ). so when is it ok for me to call?

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thanks npc, i do have the upper hand. so if he were to call me before he leaves it would be ok to pick up and say the 'bye' and all right? The seeing part...only if he initiates it. Do you think he will ask to see me before he leaves, he will leave on tuesday morning and i have finals till tuesday.

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that i cannot answer.

mine wouldnt see me when i wanted to say goodbye to the relationship.

he still wont, our breakup turned so ugly. if you read my posts you will know how hard it has been.

i think that you can call him to say goodbye, but just DONT bring up the relationship, just be casual

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