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Angry all the time

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I have been bullied for ten years, all the way through my school education.


For seven years, I cried. I sat in the corner when people would call me names, and cry.


The past three years, I've fought. You say something I dont like. I'll take you on.


But I cant do that anymore. There is so much anger in me, that I think I'm going to hurt someone really bad. My school want to help me.


They tried blaming me today, for the way I am. I shouted at the deputy head. I said "I've been bullied for the past 10 years. If I get bullied 10 times a day, 50 times a week, 200 times a month, and I lash out once a month, I think thats a damn miracle!"


But, things are coming to a head.


I need to get rid of this anger before I hurt someone. Anger management doesnt help. Been to see three psychiatrists and they dont understand. I want the anger to go away.

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Anger is not a bad thing in my opinion. Its all about how you cope with it. People have told me that I am angry. I believe I am sometimes/all the time. What do I do? Everything I can. Run, Paint, Make music, listen to loud live music. Anger leads to aggression. Luckily there are great activities to let out aggression. Running is my favorite next to skateboarding. These two activities get my blood pumping and are a test of endurance. So channel that balled up fist and go get busy.


Typical therapy doesnt completely do it. I tried for years to talk about it all and get it off my chest. What that helped me do was address and prioritize each thing that really got under my skin. It was up to me to decide how I was going to cope. Most do yoga or meditate. Some ride motorcycles for long distances. Its up to you to channel it. Dont let bullies control you. Bullies want to feel like they are in control, thats why they do it. Once they have no control over you they are not having "fun" anymore. I was bullied in middle school, after a while I just looked at the guy and was like "Yo this is getting old." He stopped and got a life. So get a punching bag, a bike, a skateboard, whatever it takes to get active and gain a sense of accomplisment. Its true therapy to get active and sweat. Its a great release. Good luck!

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I had an anger problem somewhat similar to yours. I never took it out on anyone physically, pretty much anything that wasn't breathing though. I was almost to the point where I didn't feel like myself anymore. I talked to my doctor and was put on antidepressants/anxiety meds, which helped greatly after a few months. I've now figured out the cause of my anger and haven't had any outbursts for a quite a while.


Definitely talk to a Dr. about meds. Ultimately, you won't get rid of, or be able to control your anger till what's causing it is out of your life.

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hey, i understand what you are going through.. it sucks to be treated badly all the time.. anger is not necessary a bad thing.. there is righteous anger and bad anger.


righteous anger helps you to survive. for eg. someone storm into your house and take whatever they like. you should be angry.. and fight back..


bad anger is when you are angry for the wrong reasons. eg, when you dont get your way you yell and shout..


if you want to handle your emotions better.. you got to first learn to forgive. and dont let bitterness and bitterroot judgement grap your heart.. release your hurts to a Higher power.. release them... after that excercise your logic over your emotions..


hope it helps..

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