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i have no confidence

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I have no confidence at all well i have some but i can go up in front of my college class and do a talk or even talk for 5 minutes. another thing is its got nothig to do with confidence but the class was sitting in the it centre the computer room lol and there was just something bothering me like something wasnt right and that its doing my f*****g head in lol some one help

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self-confidence is a complex thing. No one person or situation can give it to you. But, i am going to be a psychologist one day and I wanted to start my book collection early. I bought a book called "total self-confidence" I cannot say i read it yet, but i thought that the title seemed fitting in this contex. it's by a dr. robert anthony.


well best of luck. Just remember you're worth just as much as the people you are talking to. You are completely free to look into their eyes and respond to them as an equal. You are an equal.

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